Behind those smashing argyle socks stands the rare double breasted seersucker. Something of an anachronism due to Summer's humid heat but dash it's good looking. Standing on the far right is an even rarer three piece gray seersucker. The Club Collar puts it over the top for an Edwardian echo but it's understated enough so as not to look like a costume.
Unfortunately, I sweat profusely from the back of the neck and crotch. Consequently, CS gas attacks in the Army were a real drag and the wearing of a three piece or DB seersucker is a sad impossibility. Only for the luckiest of cucumbers.
Completely off point... but wow, the soft focus of the 80s editorials... Those boys look exactly the same.
I do like her hat though, it reminds me (slightly) of an Audrey number in How To Steal A Million.
talc should take care of that sweat sack of yours.
I had a pair of blue and white loafers in the 80's - loved them. Wore them with a navy suit with white polka dots. But I digress.
Sorry you're a sweater. Consider some seersucker bedding - I made a seersucker quilt a few years back and paired it with some cotton voile sheets for summer.Bah-dah-bing/bah-dah-boom, you'll sleep like a baby and you get to enjoy seersucker without shocking old ladies being wheeled down Park Avenue.
Remind me not to order the salad...
somewhere on the interwebs recently, I saw a white-on-white striped seersucker suit. It looks amazing. The next new/old guard of the fabric?
oyster guy, if that comment means what I think it means....sick.
and pretty funny.
i gotta grey seersucker double breast, suit, brooks, about a century old and some yellow age spots and a few spots from dripped candle wax (long story) any advice about the age spots?
put in glass case?
send to the trad?
That DB SS was the first thing I recall seeing in print by Alan Flusser. So you can imagine what the first thing I did, the first chance I could.
(Yes, only I chose a navy on white striped SS fabric.)
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