Look at these cheeky bastards, yeah. Right away the stripes give them away. Always have. That and the double breasted suit and the Hermes tie.
These are two gentlemen who work in the "city" with the uniform of banking or insurance. Double cuff shirts are never called French cuff and are preferred for work. Button down shirts are too informal for the city and usually frowned on. Plus, you can't wear them with a DB suit so what's the point, yeah?
The mixing of stripes is popular and the wilder the better. A good friend of mine was asked to leave Lloyd's of London for wearing a Khaki poplin suit. He was told that he wasn't on Safari and to go home and change.
Shoes are usually Monk Strap or Cap Toe with metal taps on the heels. It's a sound I love hearing on the sidewalks near Lime St. Socks are Marks and Sparks. And on POETS day (Piss Off Early Tommorow is Saturday), brokers spill out of the Lamb Pub in Leadenhall Market and take over the sidewalk drinking pints and smoking B&H Golds.
I love it and I love them. Have for some 22 years now. Nothing gives me more enjoyment than to wear a single breasted sack blazer with an oxford cloth button down, a Repp tie with flat front trousers and shell cordovan loafers. But, when in Rome, yeah?
Nice post. I'll stay out of Lloyds when I'm there. Shouldn't be a problem. They won't throw me out of the pub will they?
"Nothing gives me more enjoyment than to wear a single breasted sack blazer with an oxford cloth button down, a Repp tie with flat front trousers and shell cordovan loafers."
Spot on, mate!
Not unless you're loud, rude and complain about the food...all of which Americans tend to do in London.
Speak low, say, "May I" and "please" and don't tip in a pub. Lastly, don't order iced tea.
One thing I always notice about the Brits is the huge knot in their ties (I'm a BBC World News Junkie).
We're off to London in two weeks, I'll be on my best behaviour as well. ;-}
Oh, I despise those bloody giant knots. I can't even bear to watch BBC News -- have to listen on radio or read on the Internet!
Ha! Not on safari - I love it!
I fully agree with death bredon, but it's not just the huge knots that Brits prefer, but the absurd, exaggeratedly spread collars that reaaly don't suit anybody:
I don't know why Americans romanticize Brits, because they don't like Americans very much.
Wait, now I remember why. It's because you don't fit in as an American.
I don't fit in anywhere.
What's with the eye shadow?
No eye shadow. Just a correction of the red eye. I didn't notice it until I enlarged the photo but it looks like they're going to a David Bowie concert.
I agree with Anon. I think I'd prefer red eye to what looks like blue eye shadow.
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