Talk about truth in advertising. Here's the Subway Inn Bar at 60th and Lexington. Domestic beer in a bottle is $4.00 and there's only chips and pretzels. I respect its honesty although I was hoping it would look as great on the inside as it does on the outside. In case you can't make out that interior photo - - It does not. It does look like something you'd see in a 1950's crime noir novel. I have been told Julia Roberts slummed here one night. Who knows. Who cares. The place does have soul.
This is what the inside looks like at 2:30PM. The fellow at the end of the bar was sound asleep with a rucksack hanging off one shoulder and with his head on the bar. It is what it is...a place to get hammered...cheaply. Isn't it great when people and things and events are...what they really are? Even if it's just a bar, it is what it is...
I have walked by this place - oh - 50,000 times - but have never walked in...
I went there at about midnight one day a few months ago. The same guy was in the same spot in the same condition!!! Thanks for confirming that he was not a mirage...
I only enjoy people and places that are what they are. Genuine always trumps pretension and farce. Except, of course, for entertainment value. :)
I like people and places to be what they are too. Unless they smell bad, in which case give me Disneyland anyday.
I just love that this is in the middle of mid-town. Yes, it has great character and the jukebox isn't too bad either.
A bar is a bar, is a bar. I first rate 'em by what they smell like -- beer, smoke, wee-wee and faint smell of vomit and cleaning agents.
"Service" is the key! If they're not impressed by your TRAD look, go to the next one.
The best "bars" are along "blue highways" in TX, NM, OK and AZ. "Roadhouses" in other places (not to be confused with franchises of the name elsewhere that haven't the appropriate odor) might not have the class of a real bar.
John- Same with me. Couldn't stand it anymore and went in for a beer and a bag of pretzels. Wacky place - - gonna try it at again but at a more appropriate hour (after work and after dinner?)
m.lane- Yeah, he looked like a regular.
ag- I think entertainment works best when it's honest. Hell, the 3 Stooges are honest.
aldenpyle- good buddy in college worked at Disneyworld. He was black and said nothing smelled worse than a bunch of white people stuffed in a gift shop with wet hair.
Poter- The speakers are pretty good too. You're not a regular are you?
phred/dad- Always drink the local beer. Best advice ever. That and look for horses tied up outside.
Funny you heard Julia Roberts slummed it there.
How about it was a fave spot of Marilyn Monroe's?
Now that's more like it. Well, that's what I heard, hence the horrid curling poster of her in the back of the bar...
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