Thanks to Le Smoking
http://lesmokingimage.blogspot.com/ for this. A wild blog that's fun to sail through - - if you like pictures of people smoking that is. There's not a lot of Trad folks on the blog but above is the Tradest girl I could find. Sometimes there's nothing wrong with kissing an ash tray. Nothing wrong at all.
Tintin, you are a gem! I love girls who smoke!...Finally someone said it...
Soft lips, heavy smoke, a touch of alcohol...then, you go deeper and sense the perfume she wears...her hair...
yeah right! when you come right down to it, down-to-earth nice girls are hard to find, but well worth it when they smoke a cigarette or two...IMHO
You DO realise that's Edie Sedgwick, don't you?
cg- Thanks. Glad you enjoyed it.
angus- No, I did not but thanks for the heads up. I also thought it was taken by Scavullo but that's wrong. Amazing that I'm drawn to Anita O'Day and Edie Sedgwick...
She looks like so many girls I've met at parties, the ones who get irritated if I don't want to go home with them...
I always associate Scavullo with prop-free, still pictures. And frequent stories on Evening Magazine.
Since this is the third comment I've made tonight, I should introduce myself - came upon your blog through the NYT web site. Part Belgian, born on the short end of the Main Line, OPC '88, MBA from the wrong side of the river. Now happily living in Atlanta for sixteen years.
The handle is short for MapleLeaves, which was the name of an Internet business I ran at the turn of the century. No Canadian ties at all.
Will definitely be checking back in - I'm enjoying your insightful comments and look forward to delving farther back when I'm not late for bed.
This is a wonderful image! That face! Factory Girl was not a great movie but I totally loved watching Sienna with that fabulous hair.
Thanks for the link to the blog - lots of wonderful photos!
mleaves2- Thank you for your wonderful comments and drop in anytime. Oddly, Edie looks like the girls I was always crazy about but wanted nothing to do with me.
Alice-Not a great movie but some decent production values. It looked great. It's a great blog. Amazing how fashion and cigarettes go so well together.
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