Genius available
here’s what i think of you, and here’s what i think of jonathan fucking franzen
no, gary, i will not give you a ride to the fucking farmer’s market

there was an npr story about that, let me find it

when suggesting lunch options downtown, mike always pronounces
phở extra correctly

gunther saved the pbr, and therefore saved the fucking day

the last time rufus rode his tall bike, he spent a month in a neck cone

enzo would usually throw a fit about the service but the bartender is hot
this runs a close second to the Unhappy Hipster website.
except for TALL bikes and PBR these captions would fit most of my friends and me. LOL!
Today's word verification is ASPLOST. I'm snickering like Beavis and Butthead.
There is some really funny stuff here for certain....I laughed about the "swag" reference in one photo caption in particular.....I have been on a campaign trying to educate my 16 year old and her friends as to the fact that "swag" is actually an old Mobster's term for stolen merchandise....and that there usage in wrong and misleading..
haha this gave me a great start to my morning! The pictures are hilarious. I especially love the one with the farmers market comment...hilarious!
Swag can also mean bedroll, like the jolly swagman in the song Waltzing matilda. Another definition is the free promotional shit or product one might get at a trade show or when a sales rep schmears ya trying to get you to buy or push their product.
It was too easy.
Having spent the day in SOHO last Saturday I was just getting the Hipster scrubbed off... now I'm having flash-backs. Good stuff.
Post some dog photos and have a Trad/preppy caption contest.
Lotsa dogs have fratty shags and drink natty light.
Little dogs + cute outfits = comedy gold
What the shit am I looking at? Your account got hacked, didn't it?
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