Fun. Arnold found the fabric. Mr Ned custom made the pant. Dempsey & Carroll did the envelopes. I don't remember in what order.
Good Value. I found $20 cards to go with some shirts I own.
Try finding a stationery engraver in this country. It ain't easy. Dempsey and Carroll offer 120 typefaces and 30 inks not to mention a whole lot of ephemeral imagination through Jonathan and Jenine. I'm working on a "Classic Film" line of stationery. First up is:
C.C. Baxter
51 West 67th Street
New York City, N.Y.
"But everyone calls me, Bud."
Hey Tintin -
Check out Connor in the sub level of the Plaza. They do fantastic custom work.
CC is one of the finest dressed characters in film, in my young and humble opinion. Simple, great fit, no fuss. Trad. In my eyes at least. What do you think, tintin? Is C.C Baxter Trad?
K.A. Adams- Yeah, but do they do pants?
Zach- CC Baxter is Trad. From the screenplay,
"BAXTER is about thirty, serious, hard-working, unobtrusive.
He wears a Brooks Brothers type suit, which he bought
somewhere on Seventh Avenue, upstairs."
CC Baxter. classic. nice ref. personal stationary is very trad, indeed. mine reads:
"Gramercy Carriage House"
better bundle up with a muffler today, boopkins.
How about a scarf post, sweetheart?
TinTang...damn ... the GTH pants are off the hook...forget the paper goods. How does that tailor do a suit for under a thousand bucks?
Jg- I'm tempted to use Gramercy Tavern. Nice idea.
Anon- You in marketing or PR?
ADG- Jonathan praised Ned's work and was specific about pattern matching. I've heard some well known New Yorkers mention Mr Ned but begged me not to mention him. So I never have...D'OH!
Love this! Easy to go nuts in a place like this. (Not there's anything wrong with that.)
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