Despite the Pink and Green - - these are not Trad. In fact, I don't think they're shoes. I have friends and family who I love and they wear these. I also have friends who do the "tie tuck" at lunch, wear ventless suits with tone on tone shirts and pick their nose. Actually, I think picking your nose is a step above wearing crocs. But that's me.
Funny post. These are pretty disgusting and certainly not trad as you say.
Hilarious! And I completely and vehemently agree!
picking your nose is better than wearing crocs. i can't even stand the photo!
They're kinda like sweats. If you wear them, you've pretty much given up any effort to tuck your shirt in, tie a tie, check your gig line and shine your shoes.
See my blog on crocs. Think you will be amused.
Pink Preppy Girl- You have a wonderful blog and I like your bicycle choice but please...please, lose the crocs. They fly in the face of everything that is Prep, except that they are worn without socks.
My mother (bless her heart) described these shoes as the sartorial equivalent of "gum chewing in public"
Christine- Fantastic and dead on. I have a theory...if they threw in a free fanny pack they could see their sales skyrocket.
I'll grant that crocs are acceptable on women while gardening, or on small children at the playground, but then again I also feel that men should only show thier feet at the beach and wear shirts in public even on hot days. Maybe I'm just hopelessly old fashioned.
not a fan of crocs
Not Trad, but great if you have young children. Plus now they can but fun charms in the holes. I don't like when Adults wear them. Becs
I think a man my age should refrain from wearing the same style shoes children wear.
Having said that, I'm also aware they're cheap, comfortable and low maintenance. I just think they look rather silly on a grown man or woman.
"I think picking your nose is a step above wearing crocs. But that's me."
And me.
its looks like a plastic shoes!
Late to the party, but damn funny. I'll confess to the "tie tuck" twice in the last week (after many tie wearing years of never having done so). Once at lunch last friday, not quite sure why, but must have had a bad feeling about ketchup dripping on my tie. The second, I was helping a lady friend jump start her car, I hope that that at least washes out one of them.
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