12 July 2013

8,720 Days Ago

Door County, July 1989

Brooks Brothers button down circa 1984. I remember that...


  1. I remember that song. I don't remember that shot. It's a good one.

    When you put it like that, it's a lotta days.


  2. Tintin, I that you in 84?

  3. Handsome guy. But weren't we all in '84?

  4. DB- Taken by the ex with my OM-1 and the 85mm lens. Some great shots from Door County.

    Smitty - That's me in '89. The BB shirt is from '84.

    Anon- My ex said compared me to our Wire Fox Terrier. Cute but not very smart.

  5. Tintin, you could have done ads for RL man! You and Nacho mano a mano on the Polo patch. Argentina vs USA. Line up the birds! Knock em down like dominos!

  6. Listening to a cassette of Steve McQueen on my Walkman, while walking on Bond St. from Picadilly to Oxford in 1990 was one of the great sense memories of my shallow life.

  7. 55th MID. 1st/Bn/50/Inf/Mech./MOS 96/2cL/. Worked with 5th SFG. NHA TRANG. LZ Betty. Phan Thiet. 1969-1970. C-Co. 75. Inf. Ranger. Interrogator. I have been following you for a couple of years. Your memories of your father bring back a lot of memories for me. Thank you for your service

  8. Thanks, John. Most appreciated.
