27 September 2010

Go When They're Gone


  1. Love the moodiness of that last shot. Intimate.

  2. Went there three years ago this month. Best time to be there!

    Also went to the Red Lion Pub in London last week, per your mention of it. It was a delightful walk from our hotel, the Park Lane, and we were keen on the pub: The real deal in our analysis. Thanks for the tip.

  3. Yup, having grown up in a sweaty tourist town -albeit a fine one - it's my modus operandi, too. Bonus: The local shopkeepers once again bring out their real smiles. Thanks.


  4. Go when they're gone is right, or you'll never get through town.

    We're headed to Wolfeboro on Saturday to visit the in-laws. Looking very forward to it!

    That last photo looks like The Woodshed.

  5. Same advice my Dad gave me. Said during holidays or "the season" all the amateur drives were on the road

  6. I agree with how great and moody the last photo is. I almost expect Betty Draper to come in and bust up one of the chairs!

  7. always good when the riff-raff are away...
