01 June 2010

Press Only: The Trad & The New Yorker

Alright, it was the on line issue but I'll take it. I'll take, "...idiosyncratic" as well. Do I have to subscribe now?


  1. I would!

  2. At least go buy that one issue and keep it. document and archive the pub.

  3. I'm impressed - it was a nice write up. I come here because you're funny and I enjoy your photographs and life, but you were mentioned for garments. I predict heavier traffic at The Trad.

  4. Most excellent. Buzz is usually good. People do tune look.



  5. Take it indeed. I'd take it all sorts of ways from the New Yorker.

  6. M Lane- $40! That's lunch at Veau d'Or.

    brohammas- I think it's on line only.

    Those Tricks- the word "awesome" is outlawed here. You're new so I'll let you go this time.

    Stew- Yep. Awesome, isn't it.

    Alice- I dunno. That and $4'll buy me a latte.

    Cathleen- That's very nice of you to say.

    longwing- is your camera broken?

    DB- I guess so. Tune look?

    Tessa- There's a New Yorker cartoon somewhere in that comment. Or a t-shirt.

  7. You're completely syncratic. At least in my book.

    The New Yorker, very well done tintin.

  8. Congratulations on the deserved mention! Yet, if they think your blog is just about clothes, then they are missing some great posts!

    Best Regards,

  9. Congrats, I always liked The New Yorker. Just stick to clothing & The Friday belt~~skip the movie reviews :)

  10. Easy- I'm asking them for a job tomorrow.

    Lucky Dog- Do you like my movies reviews?

    HTJ- Package on the way. Keep a look out and thanks.

    TRVS- You're gonna have to help me find some belts (the wearing kind) if you want the Friday Belt back. Is it the reviews or the movies you don't like?

  11. sublime my friend. sublime!

  12. ADG- Nice of you to say, sir.

  13. This is what the kids today call "big fucking moves".

  14. ......you don't subscribe?.....the New Yorker remains just about the best written periodical on the market......and it hasn't changed ALL that much from 40 years ago or maybe the changes have been so incremental I've not noticed......unlike the WSJ which Murdoch has completely destroyed in a couple of years....I really used to relish reading that paper with it's narrow columns, serious reporting about business and idiosyncratic little stories......now it just the same endless bloviating about politics
