02 June 2010

A Man's Movie: Summer Lovers

Shot on the Greek Island of Santorini, this 1982 guilty pleasure of cheese gives you travel poster scenery, gorgeous naked women, lots of drinking and smoking, plenty of sex and The Three Stooges. What it doesn't give you is a story but as a critic wrote, "Any movie about a menage a trois on a Greek Island can't be all bad." Amen to that. Daryl Hannah, Peter Gallagher and a stunning Valerie Quennessen (1957-1989) star.

Directed by Blue Lagoon's, Randal Kleiser, a college buddy turned screenwriter met the director at a party and told Kleiser how much his college room mate (me) loved this film. Kleiser avoided my buddy the rest of the night. The horrible story is kept alive with a bouncing sound track that includes Robert Palmer's, Johnny and Mary (covered by Tina Turner in the film) seen here in a equally cheesy Italian video from 1980. I suggest pairing this movie with a Santorini chardonnay and some feta. Make it a whole lotta feta.


  1. Push-ups on the balcony and old spice "down below". Classic American cheese

  2. Story? We don't need no stinkin' story!

  3. Must have seemed like the epitome of sexy Euro-cool...at the time. We American youth all believed back then that's what happened to you if you if you could go to Greece. Or probably anywhere in Europe. Smoke dope in public in Amsterdam? No problem. Topless beaches in Cannes? Of course. But who cares now, thirty years later? Even that video montage seemed almost innocent and safe.

    Actually, no wonder you liked the film: Daryl Hannah uses an Olympus OM-1.


  4. I'll have to check this one out. I finally got around to seeing Make Way for Tomorrow last week. I had a few pints of Straub in me and that eased the pain of watching those two folks get railroaded by their kids. Such a sad film but a fine example of great film making and story telling. Nonetheless, great suggestions Tin.

  5. anon 7:24- Being ex-Army and a fan of acronyms I find it impossible not to convert "Classic American Cheese" to C.A.C.H.E.Z. (copyright 2010- All rights reserved)

    Anon 8:28 - Indeed.

    DB- Insightful but then you did so much of that traveling for so long. I still think you have a great Swiss travel poster in Renata.

    Matthew- Glad you enjoyed Make Way. The uh, contrast between Make Way and Summer Lovers would probably make an interesting "compare-contrast" question in a college freshman film class.

  6. Ms. Hannah was smokin' hot in this movie...which is borderline unwatchable but for the wenches.
    By the way...she has not aged well and currently looks kinda like Mickey Rourke in "The Wrestler"

  7. We loved that movie - back in 1982! We saw it recently and couldn't stand to watch the whole thing! Lovely scenery, but that's it. I guess we have grown up. DMW

  8. Main Line- I haven't aged well either and you've never come back with the place to get Schweppes Bitter Lemon in Phila.

    DMW- The Maslin review in the Times I linked to is almost as enjoyable as the movie. We've had 24 years to refine and marinate our tastes. Although the 3 Stooges seem to really hold up for me.

  9. Tin Tin,
    I came across a 'Rat Patrol' lunchbox at a yard sale and I thought that you'd appreciate it! A couple of other items that also might interest you. You da man.

    Monsieur Legume

  10. Completely off topic, but, read this and take pity on the fairer sex! http://www.farfetch.com/shopping/women/trousers/item10038494.aspx. We want real khakis....and $357?

  11. Right you are Sir.....Just see the boys at Narberth Beverage on Montgomery Ave. in Narberth...they will order you a case and have it in a few days...sometimes they have 1/2 a case or so lying about

  12. Trailer Trad- Tell me more?

    LPC- I'm working on your idea. I kid you not.

    Main Line- Called the boys in Narberth. They told me they haven't had Schweppes Bitter Lemon in years. Said it's unavailable. Only Canada Dry.

  13. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I was at J. Crew and they had some lavender cropped chinos and while lavender was rather lovely, cropped was not. I will presume to speak for Summer is a Verb and say that she thanks you as well.

    Meanwhile I'm wearing some LLBeans and they are Too. Soft. And. Not. Shiny. (want polished cotton....)

    You are a doll.

  14. Yes, LPC has permission to campaign on my behalf. I need a khaki to live in. Full leg, heavy weight, quality. Think Bill's Khakis but fitted for a woman. Think Meg Ryan without the ugly Doc Martins. Think, don't make our butts look too big...XXOO

  15. LPC and Summer- Stay tuned this week.
