10 July 2009

Tintin & Bordeaux

Tintin and Miloux Belt

2000 Les Caleches de Lanessan Bordeaux from the Haut Medoc

Chateau Lanessan put out this second growth Bordeaux in 2000 and for $15 it really hits the mark. I found it at...OW! Shit, why'd you hit me? Uh, sorry. The Gulf Foxtrot has asked me not to divulge the retailer of this fine yet affordable red. I'm wondering how the heck the French can get a bottle of this to our shores for a lousy $15 bucks when they have more middle men in the wine biz than ADG has peak lapel blazers he can't wear.

Speaking of which...here's another belt I can't wear. Tintin gear goes for an arm and leg...when you can find it. This belt went for a lot more than $15 yet it doesn't taste near as good as the Lanessan. But I can't chuck it. Not yet. Maybe...OW! Shit, why do you keep hitting me? Uh, sorry. Anyone wanna buy a belt? $15 should cover it.


  1. Tin-tin's phred/dad10 July, 2009 09:28

    Here's a rather good warm-weather belt. An MD, gynecologist, came up with a cooler using a glass of Pabst Blue Ribbon beer and a hefty shot of Smirnoff vodka. He dubbed it

  2. I'd take that belt for $15 for sure.

  3. Tin...the belt should come to me at 15 bucks in an effort to mitigate the bad feelings conjured after clicking on the peak lapel link.

    Your dad should start a joke blog.

  4. I'll take the belt if you are serious...

  5. A Tintin and Snowy belt! That's just too excellent! I'd wear that on all my adventures, and then maybe they'd be as fun as theirs. As it it, I already have a Tintin watch...

    Nice pairing with the Bordeaux since Belgian wines are sure to be of a lesser variety?


  6. not divulge, sir on google search http://www.garnetwine.com/
    on the UES.

  7. Seriously I'd take the belt too. What size? I'm a 32 inch. Also long time lurker bur never posted before, just want to say awesome blog. When I tell people I love trad style and dressing like it when I can and they say "what's that?" I point them to here. Thanks again for insightful, entertaining and witty commentary

  8. Knock Knock
    Who's there?
    Phred Who?
    Phred your joke's not very funny

  9. Tin-tin's phred/dad12 July, 2009 20:02

    RE: Anonymous (with no further ID)comment:
    Wasn't intended as a joke. Just fact. So, as we used to say in the Roman Army: IVQII.

  10. Ill take that tintin belt!

  11. I love Tintin! Always have... since French class!

  12. I'll take the belt for $20.. any more details on it?

  13. Richard- $100 for the belt? Geez, you're tempting me.
