12 July 2009

Castle Hill Inn

Many thanks to Blushing Hostess for her recommendation of the beautiful Castle Hill Inn. I fell in love with this place and her post.


  1. So here's a question. Would someone who loves the Cape and loves the Vineyard also like Newport? Or does one have to wear shoes at all times...

  2. 1. Yes.
    2. No. But I don't think you get service at Castle Hill without shoes.

  3. I aim to please. Thank you for this, really a gentlemanly thing to do... glad you too will have spectacular memories of Castle Hill and Zelda. Many bright moments full of sunny faces and genuine laughter. Hoping you would say the same.

  4. Seen any tennis? Hall of Fame tournament there now. ME

  5. Don't your feet sweat in those shoes? What about sandals. Like Kirk Douglas in Spartacus.

  6. Blushing- You made out visit. You and Newport. I fell for your town.

    ME - Rain screwed up the tennis. But that's ok. Guess what? Newport has no humidity and no bugs. Georgia should be so lucky.

    Jmags- Yes, they sweat and baby powder is the cure. Thanks for the sandle advice - - I'm more a Tony Curtis / Viking kinda guy.

  7. what kind of shoes are those? i like them.

  8. What are those shoes? I like them.

  9. Love the Inn. Love the town. Love the shoes. BUT...

    I love the paisley pants more.

    Wonder what Trad Dad will say?


  10. Shoes inside are OK by me. I wouldn't serve me either if I showed up at a bar shoeless. Unless it was the bar in the sand at the Four Seasons Hualalai I suppose.

  11. After my father's illness forced us to push back our honeymoon plans, my wife and I headed to Newport for a long weekend immediately after our wedding for a "pre-honeymoon honeymoon" and had dinner at the Castle Inn. It is one of my favorite wedding memories by far. Newport is really something else. I hope you got to have the lobster salad sandwich at the black pearl. It went great with my dark and stormy.

  12. Blushing Hostess found a killer place to chill! If I'm going to sit in the sun and do nothing, that manse with that lawn and that view would be the place. For sure, for sure.

    Tintin, you surely must have felt at home, and I can just picture you now, setting up your photos with a hugh grin, thinking, "Wait till I post these babies!"

    Those trousers are fantastic! So...Punjab!


  13. Tin-tin's phred/dad12 July, 2009 21:00

    Thank you so much for your and Blushing Hostess' blog input! Really
    most interesting! I feel deprived of the opportunity to participate. Not an East Coast fan, I now regret missing New Port. Have no knowledge of it other than the Jazz festival. Shame on me.
    Lived in the Caribe, I remember those good old days -- I'm envious you younger folk can still enjoy it. Nostalgic stuff there.
    RE: M.Lane comment: White shoes? No socks? Gross! Piss-ant Paisley trousers? Tutti-fruiti. No offense, but what the hell is wrong with denim jeans?

  14. Are those "piss-ant Paisley trousers" vintage men's Pulitzer, by any chance?

  15. Great photos. I hope you had a nice weekend.

  16. Sounds like a fabulous weekend--Jenna spent the 4th on a sailboat in Newport and loved every minute...half her training class took off for the Cape (she's BTDT) and the other half went to Newport. I guess I can't complain, we're leaving for Bermuda and the Rosedon on Sunday.

    I expect DOTR to plan a trip to Newport soon since he always has travel envy when anyone goes someplace new...so I'll put the Castle Inn on our list. How appropriate. You can see why given a little digging on my blog.

  17. Strong outfit Tintin. One of my fondest memories of dating LFG's mom includes the Castle Hill Inn. We were staying elsewhere and on rented bicycles, discovered this gem. After a zillion Bloodys-they had to call a car to load us and our bikes for transport back to our digs. Great fun.

  18. Sorry Tintin, I'm with phred/dad on those pants... shoes could work, sketchy though.

    What could you possibly be drinking with those pants?

  19. The pants kill. And hardly out of place in Newport, I should think.

  20. Thanks for the new wallpaper for the laptop. Not sure if it will be the adirondack chairs or the paisley trouser shot.

    What a wonderful looking place to summer.
