27 April 2013

Bill Cunningham Will Take Your Picture

Shore Leave

No need for Brasso

Gym bag or a lunch bag

It's a big mother -- 24" long, 12" wide and 12" deep. You see a lot of bags like this in NYC. Always a guy who's in shape and lives at the gym. I don't go to the gym anymore and when I did I had a locker. Even had a laundry service although it could turn a black t-shirt light grey in one washing. Anyone looking to distress t-shirts should go no further than the Union League in Chicago.

I like this bag despite it looking somewhat "Tommy Hilfiger-ish." At least it's not "Vera Bradley-ish."  Made of Dacron sail cloth (not cheap stuff), it's roots are nautical but it's not gonna look outta place on 57th and 5th Avenue. Heck, Bill Cunningham might take your picture if you're carrying this bag -- and you look like you work out.  I think it's the perfect size for a lunch bag. 

I gave the Americana bag by True Wind to a young Navy lieutenant who's gotta thing for socks. He was in town on shore leave -- so to speak -- and volunteered to be my model. Anchor Crankers are like that. Always volunteering. After I volunteered for the army I never volunteered for anything again... I only wish he was wearing dress whites. That'd be a snappy look with this bag -- Bill Cunningham would be all over it.

The Americana Bag
Get it here.


  1. In a word: stout. Love the colors, love the stitching. But at 24 x 12 x 12, it begs the question, exactly how big a lunch do you recommend carrying? Maybe a picnic for two? Plus blanket? And jackets?


  2. $220? This Squid is gonna stay with my gov issued sea bag....which can also support a picnic!

  3. I actually do have a Tommy Hilfiger bag like this that I got as a free gift for buying the cologne- circa 1999. Dad got the cologne- I kept the bag.

  4. Received one of their tote bags for Christmas and use all the time. Love this duffel. Too bad you didn't mention their stuff is made in the US.

  5. So glad that you checked them out! I have been a big fan of theirs for a few years and get a lot of use from my True Winds. Thanks for giving them a try - and a plug.

    Chris (OTC)
