11 December 2012

Trad Xmas List: Caswell Massey Lime Line - Discontinued in the USA

Going, going...

J Press turned me onto Caswell Massey Lime.  Their house cologne, Press offered the lime soap and talc as well.  About three years ago the Press labeled stuff disappeared off the shelves and was replaced by CM labeled product.  About a month ago, CM confirmed they were discontinuing the lime line entirely.

If you're a fan, go to their web site and grab what you can get.  I received a private sale circular offering an additional 25% off the already discounted price. Looks like the cologne might already be history but the soap is still around. Use Code DPS12 when ordering on line or over the phone.


  1. What's your opinion of Royall Lyme?

  2. you're not asking me, but royall lyme is great.

  3. Haven't used it in yrs. I also use Trumper Lime and Truefitt & Hill West Indian Lime. Trumper is wonderfully understated and lasts all of an hour which is why I like it. It's really meant for the wearer.

    T&H is stronger with a hard to describe locker room thing going on. I like it too but they're both more expensive than Royall Lyme.

    I'll tell you a Lime I really like but have balked at the price: Penhaligon's Lime. Very complex but it's very expensive. For me, not worth it...yet.

  4. Got to Bowman's Barber supply website and you can snag many great products....all the Pinaud/Clubman products and more. Classic stuff and very inexpensive.

  5. Whaaaaahhh???? You mean tell me you didn't like the Axe Dark Temptation Chocolate bodyspray I sent you last Christmas....

  6. They've also discontinued the Tricorn line. The only aftershave I've ever used. Cole Porter wore it. I raced around the interweb and got the last four bottles in America I think. Damn. Not as good as it was indeed.

  7. Royall Lyme sponsors rugby... the actual sport, not the retailer = my support.

  8. Royall Lime now made in USA under license. Pale imitation of the Bermuda original I have worn since the 60's
