24 September 2012

Peter Kaplan & The New M

It starts with a Peter Kaplan email that looks like a loft in Soho. Lots of white space. Several cancellations and loftmails later we get together for lunch.  Kaplan's wearing khakis, a blue button down oxford and a foulard tie. We sit across from each other in a restaurant booth of an empty Irish pub.

Kaplan (picking up a menu): You hungry?

Me: I've already had lunch.

Kaplan: Of course you have.  It's three o'clock..

Me: I'll just have a club soda.

Kaplan asks the waitress a question.  In a meter not unlike my Russian cleaning lady.  Halting.  The waitress answers.  He interrupts her.  She stops.  He stops.  She replies and he interrupts her again. It's exhausting if you cringe easily...which I do.

Kaplan: So here's what I want you to do.

I write notes on a napkin.  And another napkin.  Kaplan eats lunch and I drink three club sodas. I have to pee like a race horse but I don't want to interrupt him because he's throwing gold at me. We'll see each other two more times.  Each time he'll be wearing the same tie, a blue button down and khakis.

M Magazine debuts today on newsstands. If you have a hard time finding it, you can meet Kaplan and the magazine he's editing through his letter from the editor. There's some good stuff here. Gold.  You may wanna grab a club soda. [Click images to read]


  1. Awesome! Where can i buy it?

  2. From what I see here... you can read it free... third commode from the back.

    [I'll just keep buying old ones on ebay]

    While patiently awaiting "THE BOOK"... seemingly in the first quarter of the new year.

    A former subscriber from the Eighties.

  3. Tim- Will check tomorrow. Debut today but am told most newsstands will not have until tomorrow.

    Anon- Sorry you feel that way whatever that way is. Re: THE BOOK. It's being done right and not rushed. Although it could be the 4th commode from the back.

  4. Anxiously awaiting the link to subscribe on the CN website...

  5. as an avid reader, and a man who likes tangible things, and a devotee of commodes, i very much look forward to getting into this. seriously, congrats.

  6. Amatourist- I always thought French commodes, especially 18th C, are a little too ornate for me. Kaplan's letter is more mid century Eames or, for the real cognoscenti, Dunbar.

  7. Nice post.

    I'd wear his "uniform." Spend a lot of money up front, but buy only once, and save in the end. Practical guy.


  8. Is there a website for the new magazine??

  9. Benjamin-
    Go here:


    or call 1.800.289.0273

    Tell 'em I sent you. I get .05 cents for every 100 copies according to Kaplan but you gotta tell 'em I sent you.

  10. Ignorance Arbitrage01 October, 2012 21:58

    Looks great, hopefully you saw the piece about Kaplan at The New Republic...
