19 April 2012

'His Mother' & 'Contemporary Gothic' at the Mint


  1. A Renaissance man...orchestrate a jungle ambush one day...then have his art featured at a museum the next....complex and inspiring.

  2. "His Mother" with the TV set just peeking in on the edge: brilliant. So is the simplicity of the line in both.

    So here's your dad, in the Army at the height of the Vietnam War with the protests and all, doing his modern art, truly following his own direction, deferring to neither "hawks" nor "doves"...


  3. The way the peace symbol (as an oval!) the pitchfork and the window reference each other and balance the picture makes me prefer it to G. Wood's. Furthermore, the peace symbol as a pendant emphasizes the bosom. Wood's broach worn at the neck to fasten the prim collar draws the eye higher and away. That small change really evokes the sexualized 60's with such an economy of line. Would your Dad have been deliberate and aware of this as he did this drawing or was it all gut, translating what he saw around him? Either way, a smart, smart man.

  4. Did that really say just $20.00???

    The thieves!!!

  5. You come from quality stock my man....
