13 July 2011

Berlin Hipsters

From Menswear Magazine - June 2011

"Berlin hipsters reveal city's best kept secrets." That's not all they reveal.


  1. I found out one day that the World Bicycle Polo Championchips were to be held at a park in easy walking distance from my house. Never having heard of such a sport I went to go have a look. I was amazed that in a tourney with teams from Germany, France, Australia, and the Netherlands, there still seemed to only be one type of person playing... hipsters. There is somewhere a PReppy Handbook hipster equivalent and in that book is a page with the heading "Bicycle Messenger" and that page has a diagram of every single player in that tournament.
    I learned first hand that Berlin can in fact look identical to Brooklyn.

  2. See if I ever wear my birkies around you.

  3. uggggh...the contradiction is funny, albeit gross.

  4. I think I just threw up in my mouth a little. Thank God there is no smell-a-vision on the web. And my word verification; impigg!

  5. She's a model and she's looking good
    I'd like to take her home that's understood

  6. Okay, suddenly those made-for-the-masses Cole Haan Kilties look like a real good option.

    With birth control footwear like that, it's truly amazing anyone in Europe has sex. Oh wait! The birth rate among the native-born population over there is perilously plummeting, so...


  7. I like the shoes. Hate the toes. They are ugleh.

  8. Don't worry, everybody. He'll put on black socks when he visits us here in the US.

  9. Around the Hunting Club we have a term for guys like that: "Veal-Boy"...and the filthy quasi-prehensile toes are just damn offensive and crying to be stepped on with a nice vibram soled Chippewa or Red Wing boot....or in your case...Jump Boots.

  10. The comments submitted by the regulars today are kind of like this guy's toe nails; sharp, cutting, off-color and very funny.

  11. What's the big deal? Do all the trads in their Leather Man sandals or bare feet at the pool look that much different? BTW, what is it that seems to be so annoying about hipsters? That they are as predictable, and prone to being caricatures, as trads?

  12. Trads stay trad whereas hipsters eventually become trad. Sum

  13. Since he is clearly not a lesbian, he should not be wearing footwear of this nature. It's just not done.

  14. Christ. I'm really going to have to gouge my eyes out now.

  15. Real people have real feet. Deal with it. Also what is with all the negativity over the hipsters and the ultra conservative comments here?

  16. It's just a typo. It should read "Berlin hipsters reveal city's secrets best kept."

  17. He should indeed wear closed shoes if he is running a "stuffed-potato eatery."

  18. He's having his photo taken for a Fairchild magazine. You'd think he could have at least washed his feet.

  19. I love Birkenstocks! They're the best. I have two pairs!

  20. America's neurotic obsession with cleanliness has produced an everyday aesthetic that is repelled by anything that isn't airbrushed, phoney or synthetic. In a nutshell the US recoils from the whiff of reality, in all its expressions. These are the feet of a man - period. Remarkable that you considered this remarkable.

  21. hahaha "Let them wear Birks!"

  22. Enough with the pro Birk comments! He is not a lesbian! He is a man with dirty feet. To quote Mammy in Gone With the Wind: "If it ain't fittin, it ain't fittin!", and those dirty toes ain't fittin! Please show some respect for the lesbians of this world that wash their feet before slipping on their Birks!

  23. oh hell no!

  24. OMG the Birkenstock style shoes. Worst style on the planet.
