01 June 2011


Not okay when the hair is grey.


  1. So are geriatrics banned from sweaters tied around waists or Vinyard Vines? I would only hope that by that age sleeves will still be able to fit around my midsection.
    The real question is how long it takes your buddy who is trying to enlarge the pictures of your knife handle to realize you were walking around taking photos of this guys trailer... I'm wagering by the time you approve this, his comment will be here as well.

  2. And he's wearing white french cuffs with his casual sweater-skirt!

    The horror.

  3. Must be gay and/or European.

  4. What if the hair is grey but he is gay?

  5. For some reason the theme to Midnight Cowboy has become stuck in my brain.

  6. Older people aren't living their lives to impress younger people.

  7. I sat here for 5 minutes looking at these pictures trying to think of something incredibly witty to say, or to defend the guy in some way, but unfortunately, I have nothing. I can not bring myself to agree with the choice he made at that point in time....I bet our view would change if we found out he was some type of hitman though....just a thought.

  8. When the hair is grey, the blood is oftentimes thin, so keeping a light sweater nearby can be a necessity, I'm letting him off on that score. But he's guilty as sin for his carefully-studied label out effect, c'mon guy, this is just awful.

  9. These are life shaping lessons....note to self....do NOT tie a sweater around your waste...you will wind up on somebody's blog and people will think you're a gay European

  10. What's the issue? A better picture would be the one of you taking the picture of his rear at the crosswalk, all up-close and such.

  11. This looks good on no man no matter what the age or preference in sexual partners.

  12. ridiculing old people is tops.

  13. Not sure it's ever okay. Why would you streeeeeetch pastel green fabric across your rear? Why?

  14. David V - Bill and Ted pulled it off.....he was close...he just needed straight fit jeans with holes, scuffed white Reebok pumps, and a flannel shirt...

  15. It was Thursday afternoon, the 26th of May around 5:30PM. The two men were with the two women in the foreground. I first noticed the woman on the left by her striking resemblance to Barbara Bel Geddes and her top. I had a couch in that same pattern.

    They were 'Mericans although I'm not sure where they were from. I'm also not sure what bothered me more. A grown man tying a sweater around his waist or a grown man with a Vineyard Vines sweater.

    My intent was not to make fun and these people sure as hell were not elderly. And were it not for this lime green sweater, I would have never taken these photos - which already I'm beginning to regret.

    But 15 of you, many first timers I might add, have thought enough to comment. Which backs up my research. I can spend hours working on a post. Editing, researching, tweaking...and it gets 4 commets in a month. Or, I can throw up some pictures and one sentence and that gets 15 comments in less that eight hours.

    I'm not being critical. I'm just trying to figure y'all out.

  16. Ah, Brummagem Joe finally caught on film.

  17. If I come to Manhattan and strut around in one of my FREE PEOPLE Gyspy Scarves would I end up on The Trad?

  18. But we've discussed this; Trad isn't preppy!

  19. wait....now "free people gypsy scarves" are the same as wearing a sweater around your waste? world...flipped...upside down.

  20. Maybe it was a gift from a daughter or granddaughter trying to find something young/hip to give the old guy that kind of fit his style...

    Maybe his wife gave it to him because she saw Vineyard Vines in Esquire or Mens Journal...

    Sometimes old guys wear things given to them by others...cut the guy a break. Not all us 'Mericans want Gitman. Sometimes we recognize the value of not being affraid to pick up our 18-month-old daughter who just ate a popcicle without ruining a $300 sweater.

    That said, he probably bought that sweater to impress his mistress.


  21. Does it help that the sweater is cashmere?

  22. I still have no idea what is wrong with the situation.

  23. JW - Really? Can you give another example of an incredibly sad story as to why he would be wearing the sweater around his waste?

    Maybe it was his wives favorite sweater, and before she passed she requested with her last dying breath that he wear the sweater around his waste as she once had.

    Maybe when he was younger his girlfriend at the time was in a horrific chemical fire, and the only thing that survived the fire was this sweater.

    I also do not get the image out of my head of a 18 month old crying with its arms out to be picked up and a 35 year old father yelling "Nnnooo! Nnoooo! Whipe your face! This is cashmere!"....

  24. Maybe he was just hot and took the sweater off! But then there was a coodl breeze (from TinTin running up to him) and his butt got cold (you know, the furthest extremities get cold easily), so he tied it around there and he was comfy, cosey and everyone lived happily ever after! :) DMW

  25. Ok, in all seriousness I think he is "carrying" it for the woman (his wife?) with the yellow scarf. Why? Because who wears turn back cuffs with a long sleeve sweater? Also, the sweater appears to be a medium (but now stretched to a large) which seems to be too small for him but about right for her. Lastly, those colors together on him don't really work. Thoughts?

  26. "wearing the sweater around his waste?"


  27. gentleman mac - either that...or assles chaps

  28. Why is the other woman wearing a Fendi sash? Is she Mrs. Fendi 2011?

    You can take the peeps out of Westchester........

  29. he's a phagg.. duh. How long have you lived in NYC, sweetheart?

  30. I was thinking if they're from Akron, OH then the post would be, Fashioninakron.

  31. "Is she Mrs. Fendi 2011?"

    Had Mrs. Fendi and Barbara Bel Geddes known their bedheads would be viewed from the back like this, they'd have both had their roots done before leaving Akron.

  32. Raise your sights! The cackle of most of the posts today sounds as though you are bunch of uneducated Mississippi crackers or Oxford faeries.

    I am sure that all of us have worn apparel on occasion that the rest of us would consider gauche or worse. However significant a perceived transgression against your standards, its not adequate reason to throw the harpoons as done here today.

    I recently saw Benjamin Bradlee, the former Executive Editor of the Washington Post at an elite casual event recently. His apparel and that of his wife Sally Quinn were remarkably like the garments worn by the people in these pics.

    I'm sure the horndogs would be aroused to know that the ladies are rolling commando fresh from appointments with their aestheticians at Elizabeth Arden.

    These peeps ain't from Akron. They are probably from Upper Arlington, a Columbus, Ohio suburb!

  33. Anonymous - Dis cumpooter I done bawt lets me look at city folk and da funny sweatas day be wearin'

    Did they allow cameras into this "elite event", because if they did, there are pictures of Benjamin Bradlee and his wife on somebody else's blog with 10x the comments here. ;)

  34. I know them. He owns a scrap metal business in Indiana. Richer than sin but that means fcuk all in Indiana. Like, where ya gonna spend it? On Vineyard Vines cashmere sweaters. Mail order.

  35. Dude, that's Orrin and Elaine Hatch out with security.

  36. Wait! Could it be that they were once preppy kids back in the '80s? Just asking.


  37. "Not okay when the hair is grey."

    Relax, TinTin isn't walking around town kicking elderly folks in the windpipe and he doesn't show this guy face - he made a cheeky comment which reflects his opinion pertaining to a fashion choice simply in an effort to assist the reader from looking like a gay European person (see how it works). Now smile and move on.

  38. Probably bought the sweater to wear at his 60th class reunion at Phillips Academy. After finishing their monthly shopping excursion in the Big City, they are probably off to fetch his wife's new Polaris 650, drop the top and head back to Greenwich.

    Note - At least these people are relatively nicely groomed - no Ohio State T-shirts, Tommy Bahama shorts and Nike Air Jordans with tube socks!

  39. What's the matter with Vineyard Vines?

  40. One previous poster hit it head on. Probably holding it for his wife. Most likely would explain color and brand selection. Really doesn't bother me all that much. What seems to irk me is the fact that the two men are walking in FRONT of their spouses. I'm sure they know better.

    I'm also surprised by the alarming amount of people who don't know the difference between "waist" and "waste". Damn Tintin, I thought your readership was more edumacated.

  41. Around the shoulders, yes. Around the waist-Hell no! And not from VV.

  42. Your writing in this blog is really good. Please don't turn this into a "do and don't" column simply to get comments.

  43. I think that it's MORE Ok when hair is grey because one shouldn't care too much about what others think after one's earned a few grey hairs!

  44. Tintin are you referring to the brand as well? Because I do agree that Vineyard Vines is a bit too fratty for me to where after school, and I'll let the whale swim with the kids once I graduate.

  45. Spell cheekr knot werking fore merikan blog respoderz.
