22 February 2011

The Boys

There's a sneak preview of Making the Boys this Thursday at the Florsheim Pop Up Shop (109 Mercer) from 6 to 8PM. A documentary about the The Boys in the Band, it's not only a look at the play and film but it's impact (or lack thereof) today. When asked if he knew of, Boys in the the Band, Project Runway's Christian Siriano guessed it involved the Jonas Brothers.

This gay cowboy dressed in all white swishes into a saloon and says to the bartender, "Darling, I'd like a tall glass of cold milk." Bartender says sure. Cowboy looks around and asks, "Say, where is everybody?" Bartender says, "They're out back hanging fags." Cowboy says, "No fucking shit. Gimme a whiskey."

My first fag joke from 9th grade. In the early '90s, my ex-wife worked in a business known for employing gay men. Some were out but many were still in the closet. On our way home from a party I mentioned it was sad they couldn't all be out of the closet. My ex turned to me in surprise, "Really?" she said. Her astonishment short lived when I added, "That way I wouldn't embarrass myself by telling a fag joke."

After the divorce, a good friend who was gay told me he wished his sexuality was a choice. I must have looked confused. "Do you think I'd choose to have my parents disown me? Fear every day I'll lose my job? Fear everyday I could be killed by a mob or from having sex? Do you think I'd choose this life?" And for the first time it all made sense when I said, "As much as I love pussy - you love dick and there's nothing we can do about it." "Exactly!" he said. And then I wondered what my life would be like if I was hated for loving women.



  2. Worst post ever.

  3. That last line should be shouted across the world, TinTin.
    What a simply perfect sentence to sum up how ridiculous we are for judging, persecuting, segregating and killing people because they are being who they are.
    "And then I wondered what my life would be like if I was hated for loving women"
    Gold star for you!

  4. And what, may I ask, is the point of this post? Just because one "loves" something, it does not make it right.

  5. Anon 8:00 - You and one other person.

    Anon 13:46- Sorry you feel that way. Real sorry.

    thosetricks- Thanks. You have more courage than most men I know.

    Anon 18:16 No point. Sometimes you don't have to have a point to have a point. Sometimes something hits you up side the head.

  6. Please: Write only about style, not about sexuality. I love your blog, but when I want to read something about sex, I read playboy. Schuster, bleib bei deinen Leisten (German proverb).


  7. Anon 19:37- Playboy?! I never knew anybody still read it. That and German quotes...you must get laid once a year.

  8. From Abe's shoe, to walking in another's shoes...and it's only freakin tuesday- looks to be a good week on Trad..
    ps- thanks for reading my post on men/women, means a lot.
    keep on.

  9. @tintin 21:26
    Well, playboy magazine is still very popular in Germany. Perhaps try to translate the proverb.

  10. I didn't say Playboy wasn't popular in Germany. My point was it's not very interesting anywhere and it's easy enough to check:


    I did translate your proverb last night. "Stick to your knitting" would be the best traslation. This blog contains a very diverse topic range. More diverse than German Playboy but cheaper.

  11. Great post. Being "free to be you and me."

  12. Fashion, social commentary, style, and pornography! What a fun, tangential blog and post for mid-week.

    To keep the fire stoked, here are a couple links for everyone to mull-over:


    and the New Pornographers at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpvqU2cmK8I

    And yes TinTin, the term mull-over is a direct nod to your LAGNAF post! Long live FUNK. Jack.

  13. Oof! Thin ice. But at the end...redemption?


  14. Uninteresting trivia, my friend's Uncle Len is in The Boys in the Band (he was also in Fiddler on the Roof).

    And I hate that people hate my sister for what she is without knowing who she is.

  15. Patsy- I think the whole army brat life exposed me to kids in school who jumped to conclusions about who I was based on my outward appearence and where I moved from. It happens to all of us but it was made louder by going to a lot of high schools.

  16. I expect at schools with high concentrations of army brats, there were kids whose entire social standing was based on how much shit they gave the new kids.

  17. Patsy "...kids whose entire social standing was based on how much shit they gave the new kids." Very true. And they were usually misfits themselves. The cool kids never seemed to be aware of us and the normal kids were usually very normal. Was Len, Motel?

  18. So... your motivation for not wanting to tell a "fag joke" wasn't based on your realization that those jokes are ignorant, cruel and hurtful, but rather that telling one might embarass and expose you as a mean-spirited homophobe. Nice distinction.

  19. Anon- That's exactly what my wife said. It ain't something I'm proud of.

  20. 14-15 yrs ago watched a gang of Chicago wannabe lock-jawed blueblood players judge you based on your outward appearance and from where you came...you're a cool cat...glad I got to know you. Nice post...very evolved. We should all be so lucky as to retain an openess of mind that allows past thoughts to be overcome by those of the present.

  21. Something about this post reminds me of having to explain to a sheltered college roommate that you couldn't get AIDS after drinking from the same glass as someone who is gay. And this was 1988!!! I find this post to be very compassionate.
