17 March 2010

Erin Go Beau

Isn't that the holy all of it. Ken Bruen


  1. Great outfit! All the colors of the Irish flag. Would you be fallin off the wagon then?


  2. Orange? Is it orange? Tell me it isn't. Not on St. Patrick's Day.

    If it weren't today, or that weren't orange and it was today, I would love it.

  3. I have always abstained this day. Green plastic bowler hats, beads and crowds of drunk people in green metal flake top hats are best enjoyed stone cold sober.

  4. Blush- What's wrong with orange? You want me to break out the black and tan?

  5. Screaming photography! ME

  6. Tintin, You are successfully wearing me down with the orange clothing suggestions to a point where I can at least ALMOST accept this as a possibility. Also, there are a few interesting Irish themed movies on TCM today. Enjoy.

  7. Yeah, I gave it all up years ago, but St. Paddy's and New Years Eve are definitely times to get off the streets due to all the amateurs

  8. You just LOVE to go against the grain, don't you? You are lucky that you are cute and loveable - otherwise, you would be a pain in the *&(. Love always, DMW

  9. tintin said...
    "Blush- What's wrong with orange? You want me to break out the black and tan?"

    .....Tintin.....she caught you Red handed!.....other than than the orange would work if it didn't have those crests....which when mixed with the stripes produces an effect somewhat akin to mixing gin with Guinness.

  10. ME- Screaming? Is that good?

    Cathleen- Orange and Green or take the advice of my Blog Buddy Alice Olive who likes Orange and Purple.

    Tessa- You could use a little orange in that avatar.

    NC Jack- Well said and a rule of mine for a long time.

    DW- You're a dear. How's FC treating you?
