06 April 2009

The Trad Sets a Trend: Layered Bow Tie

What the Bow Tie has been missing.

When one's not enough and three's too many.
Had a dream over the weekend that I was wearing two regular ties-- one on top of the other. I was wandering around the executive offices of Brooks Brothers when Claudio sees my two ties and runs up to me screaming, "You're a genius! A genius! More-a ties for me-a to sell! I love this-a man. Someone hire him-a now." And that was before the really good dream.

I tried to replicate the two ties from the dream but it just didn't work and April Fools had come and gone. Then I thought, "The Layered Bow Tie!" It really works and I like...invented it. Like the Trouser Cuff Square, the Trad is forever on the cutting edge. I think this is really gonna take off. I mean it. Mark my words...It's-a genius. Anyone know how to do that patent thing?


  1. Wouldn't this be more efficient if the 2 sides of the tie were just different but complementary fabric?

  2. Tintin, You are a creative genius. I would have never thought of that. It seems to work, too. It doesn't feel like too much fabric? I tend to splatter stuff on my ties - that's my genius. This way I could always carry a spare!

  3. That's a bit too Eric Glennie for me ...

  4. bet there'll be at least 3 early adopters at Myers Park Presbyterian on Easter Sunday...

  5. Another master-stroke. My problem is that I can't tie ONE bow tie much less TWO simultaneously.

    But if I can accomplish it, I'll wear color coordinated cuff squares.

    I do think it looks very cool though. I think you have hit the mother lode my friend....if Tommy or Ralph doesnt pirate it tomorrow morning. Then we SUE.


  6. Tin-tin's phred/dad06 April, 2009 20:57

    You're pullin' our chain, right? Reminds me of the Red Neck Mom's letter to her absent son. She'd just moved and told him their new place even had a washing machine. She'd loaded it with laundry and pulled the chain, -- but hadn't seen the clothes come back yet.
    ...so it goes.

    I will NEVER lower myself to wearing a bow tie! Not even with a Tux. Has to be the ultimate in "wimpish."

  7. I agree with Phred. The emperor has no bow tie. Sorry Tintin.

  8. foolio_iglesias06 April, 2009 21:51

    So crazy that it's actually sane.

  9. Amazing. If you're going to try and claim intellectual property rights on this bad boy, you should go with the single tie that is different patterns on either side. Think reversible jacket. I have a regular tie where the small side is a different pattern than the big part of the tie, but no one ever notices.

    This is different. How do these rich college kids start companies like C K Bradley and Vineyard Vines? If they can do it, you can do it. Start your own tie/britches line or something.

  10. I know! isn't it great to put two bow ties together. I thought of this months ago and posted last thursday the same thing

  11. Tin,
    Does your neck feel like you're in a Hulk Hogan headlock? ME

  12. Love it! And I think you could still make this work with 2 regular neckties: How about tucking them both in between the second and third buttons on your shirt military style?

  13. Greg- My efficeny is about what I can take outta my closet. But I agree, that's the way to sell it. Maybe include the shirt as well.

    HTG- You're too kind. No, it's not bulky at all. Just used a little larger tie for the background color. It ties very simply.

    Lars- Eric commented here before. I wish he'd come back.

    Holly- Myers Park Presbyterian? I lived in Huntersville for a while. Great memories of the area. Trad Dad has a couple paintings in the Mint Museum of Art.

    M Lane- We may already have a problem with authorship here. Get the papers ready.

    Dad, I never thought I'd ever wear a bow tie but I like 'em. When I start wearing a bolo tie is the time for you to worry.

    Tessa- Emperor? I'm a democrat.

    Blushing Hostess- Try not to be so verbose...

    foolio- I'm an unmitigated genius. You, sir have vision.

    MFM- Those guys all had MBAs. I was an English major and I still can't balance my check book.

    Sum of Nothing- I showed you mine. Where's yours?

    ME- No. It's actually very comfortable. Bows are usually very thin with little to no lining like you'd find in a regular tie.

    Josh R- I like your idea and I like your site even better. Well done.

  14. Kind of reminds me of the cuff square. Was that also your idea? I'm sure phred would like that better.

  15. Big talk for a guy who can't get away for a cup'a coffee. Of course I did the cuff square... I'm gunning for that Designer of the Year award for 2010.

  16. Forget Designer of the Year. Think BIG. With that look, there's a fortune to be made in doing childrens' birthday parties. All you need is a pair of floppy shoes to complete the costume. Happy Clowning!!!

  17. You can't patent it because you didn't invent the bow tie. You could copyright it's look, FWIW. And you could trademark a catchy name for it. But unless you were a designer who beat everyone to the shelves, you're probably SOL for keeping it "yours" (Someone in the Chinese government is working on it by now!).

    I'd wear it for occasions and holidays! I like your elastic mind. But please, dream of women, too...


  18. Anon- I don't need the floppy shoes to be a clown. I have this blog.

  19. DB- I can't write about my other dreams here. I could -- but it would seriously change the tone.

  20. Ha! Kind of crazy but I love it!

  21. Haha, love it.

    I don't know anything about that patent thing, but more ties are always good in my book.

  22. Can I ask what shirt you are wearing?

  23. Pink Brooks Bros Oxford. The kind ya have to iron.

  24. Those look like ties from Beau Ties in Vermont... Are they?
