17 February 2008

The Trad Car Graveyard

What is it about these cars? There's a timeless beauty to them and always the questions. Who owned them? What action did the back seat see? Where did they travel to? How did they end up here? A love of history may have something to do with my attraction to them. That they look so grand in this state speaks to my love of Trad. Objects that never were in fashion - - never grow out of fashion.


  1. Makes me want to photograph them - the colours and textures are fabulous!

  2. I love your perspective. You would do a great job with them.

  3. Great photos of trad car graveyard. Taking my daughter to look at some late 80's Mercedes this weekend-hopefully a little less worn than ehibited here

  4. Reminds me of the Cadillac Ranch in Texas. America's version of Stonehenge.
