19 May 2014

Sarah's Soundtrack

Second from Left

This post was from 2-2-2011 and reminds me of my mother's great love of  Herb Alpert & the Tijuana Brass.  In this way, you can get an idea of what she was like at a party...

A few days after my father returned from Vietnam in 1967, I remember watching the first Herb Alpert TV special with the family. My mother was a huge fan of Herb & the TJB and it was at her insistence we tuned in. I'm pretty sure I was missing Get Smart.

When Herb appeared my father let out a snort and called him a 'fruit cake.' I remember asking what 'fruit cake' meant and my question was answered with, "Never mind." My father guffawed through pretty much the whole show and watching these videos I can see why. He had just come back from a tour of Vietnam -- Watching this must have been bizarre.

But I was never in a war and Herb isn't a fruit cake and I really enjoy this video and the memories. It might even be better than Get Smart.


  1. I remember the first time you posted that video. For some reason I'm also reminded of the joys of indoor smoking

  2. My father also loved Herbie and the TJB. In my earliest youth I can see Dad lying on the floor by the stereo listening to the TJB. I liked the music then and still like it today 50 years later. I belive it helped me appreciate good adult music. I think people had more fun in those days.

  3. Herb Alpert, you ass!

  4. Our Dads sound very much alike in some ways. I wasn't born until he had been back for five years. He was mechanized AA; kind of a sideshow in that police action.

    Mine liked HA, but he was prone to the abrupt, cutting, dismissive and casually hurtful. He's changed. I'm glad, but also strangely frustrated that I can't convince my girl of what a wrathful asshole he could be when I was younger.

    I also hope I'm mellowing faster.

  5. My latin dad, and Herb Alpert. Well you can guess.

    That party photo. You couldn't take that kind of picture today with a megapixel anything if your life depended on it...


  6. Herb Alpert and The Tijuana Brass. Who can forget? Highly underrated and part of an era that should not be forgotten. And who can forget the cover of "Whipped Cream?" The stunning, young lady is now in her late 70's.

