26 May 2014

Don't Lose the Dignity of the Day

Photographer Unknown  US Air Force  ARVN Jump over Tay Ninh Province 

Denim & Supply - Ralph Lauren

SP/4 Salvador Romero 151st Infantry LRRP

Denim & Supply - Ralph Lauren

Photo by Mark Jury:  Fire Support Base Wood

Denim & Supply - Ralph Lauren

US Army Photo: Capt.  Gerald Devlin, 44th ARVN Ranger Bn.

Denim & Supply - Ralph Lauren

Marine Corps Photographer Sgt. David E. Weimer

Cheapen uniforms of those who served and died by the uneducable and characterless who dress up as a soldier one day and a cowboy the next.


  1. Military fashion enters the mainstream because it is sharp and masculine, but to go this far... anybody who buys this stuff wants to gain reflected glory. They haven't earned the right. It's silly. Good observation.

  2. RulingPart - Agreed. Nothing wrong with echoing a military cut or even pattern. My issue has always been the use of "insignia." Especially by Polo employees who would put jump wings on a toaster.

  3. Those get-ups are for fighting the lines at Starbucks....

  4. Arizona Mike26 May, 2014 20:10

    I hate that kind of thing.

    It's probably been going on for centuries, though. "Cravat" comes from "Croat," as French dandies copied the cotton rags Croatian mercenaries wore around their necks to wipe up sweat (what we used to call "drive-on rags") , and reproduced them in linen and silk.

    The cardigan sweater copied the style worn by Lord Cardigan in the Crimea.

    The blazer, of course, comes from the uniform of the HMS Blazer. The non-functional brass buttons on the collar of modern blazers (and most non-bespoke suits, unless you're Tom Wolfe) were allegedly placed there to keep his sailors from wiping snot off their noses with the ends of their sleeves and spoiling the ship's image.

  5. Polo only?! Look thee to Hollywood, that ultimate pimp to profit bereft of content...

  6. You know I have agreed with your position on this issue for a long time. It is just sad.


  7. "put jump wings on a toaster"


    Where do you stand on Army surplus?

  8. Camo patterns are one thing…plenty of hunters out here, but I agree that insignia's are another issue all together…can you say posers?

    You didn't earn it…don't wear it!

  9. Definitely something that irks me, even as a civililan millenial. My dad recently gifted me his old flight jacket. I hesitate to wear it because I didn't earn the patches, but I'm sure as hell not removing them, either.

  10. This is one of the first topics that drew me to The Trad years ago. Hard to believe this type of design is still out there. I liken it to a form of cultural appropriation, but maybe that's going too far. Anyway, I heard from a childhood friend the other day that another friend from our hometown Oklahoma "village" recently redecorated her living room and put up camo curtains. There is really no accounting for taste.


  11. Ten years ago Newsweek carried a short piece on WWll airborne veterans, 80 years of age, redoing their Normandy jump for the 60th anniversary of D-Day. This ran under the headline:
    "Geezers Away." I'm a writer and I was ashamed.

  12. Hazen Pingree29 May, 2014 12:04

    Ralph Lauren jumped the shark about 10 years ago . . . or whenever that big pony crap came out. They are no longer relevant, and will be in the bins with Hilfiger and Fubu in the next five to seven years.

  13. As the daughter, sister and daughter-in-law of military men,I find this line of clothing slightly abhorrent. Surfer dude meets poser soldier is not a look.

  14. Update on above: CBS News: Jim Martin, a 93 year old airborne veteran is going to parachute into Normandy again on the 70th anniversary of D-Day.

    Bloody marvelous!

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