05 July 2013

The Perfect G&T

Years ago I swiped a G&T recipe from the NY Times which called for the muddling of lots of lime (5) skins, lots of gin (1 cup), a half liter of Tonic and handfuls (4) of ice.  Simple in the description...

But cutting the pith outta lime is not easy.  I discovered the beak knife does a pretty good job.  It's still a messy proposition but the pay off...

....isn't that great.   Maybe it was the 1.75 liter of gin for $9 I was using.  State Line Liquor (Liquor? I don't even know her!) has a private label for gin and while the label is as cool as all get out -- the gin itself is nothing to write home about. 

Still, this recession ain't over yet.  At least, not for me...So, nine buck gin it is.  Actually, this is the kind of gin you need for a Negroni --  The perfect cocktail for cheap gin but that's another story. 

It's not the time of year for a big Cabernet and a hot tub.  Nope, that ain't gonna cut it.  But a pitcher of this muddled G&T with a good friend in the pool or better, in a cold shower or maybe just between some cool linen sheets.  While it's still day light and you smell of Caswell Massey Lime soap...That's a perfect G&T. 


  1. Try using a vegetable peeler (the newer wide bladed models)instead of a beak knife for lime pith -- greatly reduces the effort.
    Anonymous in NY

  2. Add one tin of honey cashews, perfect.

  3. Liquor in the front. Poker in the rear.

  4. For reasonable priced gin...I always go with Gordon's. It makes a great G&T.

  5. Another vote for the vegetable peeler. Even the older-style ones work well--just don't press too hard and you'll remove the colorful, flavorful zest while leaving the white, bitter pith behind.

  6. Soap on a rope!! Put the GAH in swingah Tin!!


  7. Perfect. I'm headed out to acquire some limes.

  8. Ah the Negroni! Not only a great cocktail (for cheap gin and no) but also an option when you're somewhere (usually in the UK) where they don't serve cocktails, you can explain 3 shots each of gin, vermouth and campari over ice and get a drink rather than just a funny look.

    Makes me wish I wasn't having a dry month. Also wish I could buy gin for less than $20 a litre over here.


  9. You're skimping on gin and buying soap at ten dollars a bar?
