04 January 2013

Thinking of Camouflage

Sicily Drop Zone, Ft Bragg, 1976

Solid Shield, Ft Bragg, 1980

Green Ramp, Pope Air Force Base, 1978

What's fascinating about the current trend in camouflage is how the original intent -- has been completely reversed.

Greenwich Village, NYC, Summer 2011 - Photo by The Style Blogger


  1. Yup, you're right: there's no hiding that guy in the urban jungle. In fact, he might be first to get taken down by predators.


  2. This raises an important question, Tintin.

    Would darts ruin the aesthetic of the camouflage???

  3. Tintin, this raises the all important question.

    Would darts ruin the aesthetic of camouflage?

  4. That irony, or the statement of urban camo is about the only thing I do like about it. I would never wear it, don't like the look of it, but I appreciate a fashion idea of taking something originally designed to make one invisible, and employing it to make someone stand out in a crowd.
    Its not me but five years ago I would have tipped my hat to the idea... back before you could buy it at Target and everyone and their dog was doing it.

  5. Looks like the boys at "Duck Dynasty" are trendy. You reckon we'll see them on "The Sartorialist" soon?

  6. Fire in the hole......incoming!

  7. DB- I think that's what he wants.

    Farrago- You might be surprised by the number of troops who had their camouflage fatigue jkts tailored and consequently darted. And they looked god awful. I had only my trousers tailored and wore a size down for my jkt.

    Bro- whenever your instinct is to go right...you should go left.

    NC Jack - Better, Mr Mort.

    Smitty- Let's play army. You be the bridge and I'll blow you up.

  8. "Looks like the boys at 'Duck Dynasty' are trendy. You reckon we'll see them on "The Sartorialist" soon?"


  9. So summer 2011. You know those clothes that you look back at and say, "What was I thinking?" This guy has nailed that look.

  10. aw- Well said but I am willing to extend him a break. He's selling this stuff so I assume he doesn't really believe in it.
