14 January 2013

Back to School

Flagler College, Lobby East, January 1981


  1. caboose a little loose, sugar cake?

  2. Evolving past college and into adulthood is everything it's cracked up to be.


  3. Anon- I'm working part time as a phone sex operator in case you're interested.

    DB- Left to my own devices, my bathroom sink today wouldn't look much different.

  4. Good to remember what a real dorm room looked like back in the day. Nowadays, no pampered prince or princess would live in the old cinder block, un-airconditioned cells that we thought were adequate back then. Of course, for what they are charging for tuition, room and board these days, I guess you should feel entitled to some drywall and air conditioning.

  5. Men had hairdryers back then, didn't they. We were responsible for cleaning the bathrooms in our own dorm rooms, and mine was filthy and depressing. No wonder my out-of-town girlfriend broke up with me shortly after her Fall visit.

  6. All you need seems to be capture in this photo. Funny how life can get you on a "more" mission. I can't believe how far I've strayed from "If it doesn't fit you my sea bag, it's too much!"

    Life was simpler then.....and I liked it.

  7. The biggest thing college taught me: The need for gainful employment that affords one their own space and more square feet than you can get in one of the government's gated communities.

  8. Been there....certified bio hazard! ME

  9. Anon- I think room and board was $1,800 for the school year. A steal even then.

    Ben - I was shooting for the dry look.

    Smitty- Well said...for an anchor cranker.

    cpd- Never learned by English majors.

    ME - I wish I had a picture of the tub.
