10 November 2012

FIT's Ivy Symposium

The Late Maximinimus, NYC, 9 November 2012


  1. Max mentioned being kidnapped/avoidably late on his tumblr, but you've given his groupies a shurnuf screensaver with this gem, quite a photo, but where does one click for the audio?

    Man you were so low key I had to increase a hundred times to see that black watch jacket.


  2. What's Muffy like in real life?

  3. Pretty sparse audience. Also, what's with the audio equipment...more wires than the crime commission scene in Serpico. I thought Dusty was in the AV squad in High School and would have remedied that tangle.

  4. F- 21 is a great place to be kidnapped. Martini ransom?

    Main Line- that's a 700 seat auditorium. I'm not sure a live sex show would have filled it. Certainly Dusty's Power Point was the cutting edge. I especially liked the aerial photography.

  5. Was the event filmed or recorded in any way?

  6. psst- I think FIT may have filmed it and I know Justin at Fine Young Gentleman recorded it. Not sure if all parties gave permission.

  7. Okay, thanks. Let's hope it pops up on youtube or vimeo in the near future.

  8. Is that Andrew Y. in the front row?
