21 November 2012

Clay Tompkins Launch: With The Grown Ups

Clay Tompkins launched his new US made menswear line (seen here) last Saturday night and I'm guessing there was at least $7,000 in baby sitter money on the floor.  Where have these people been for the last five years?  Obviously not where I've been.  That is, with their children in Red Wing boots, flannel plaid hunting shirts and rolled up selvedge drinking PBR at Capsule. 

It felt good to talk with grown ups again.  I didn't hear 'awesome' once.  No one brought a skate board, bicycle or a backpack.  No tattoos...that were visible.  Same goes for piercings. No ball caps.  It was actually...normal.   These are my people. 

Able to laugh without breaking into loud guttural guffaws.  Able to drink out of a glass instead of a bottle.  Able to talk while looking you in the eyes.  Able to shave. Able to afford socks.  Able to recall the Surf Club.  Able and willing to dance -- I may never go south of 14th Street again.


  1. Geeze, send some of 'em to Central Illinois! We could use a good dose of "adult behavior" in a social setting here.

    Best Regards,

    Ulrich von B.

  2. Love the second photo.

    And all the ables and the lack of 'awesome'. How very adult.

  3. Alice- if the night had a sound track, it was Joe Jackson's, Steppin' Out. A simple sophistication missing with the downtown scene.

  4. Thank you great guru. You can count on a former military man to make those observations. In a sea of juveniles (and I'm talking mostly grown-ups) it's refreshing to hear the basics.

    Hey young men! Wanna really be jaded and affected angry urban youth, instead of just acting it? Ditch those girly Kia Souls or Honda Fits and get yourself a circa'74 fake wood-panel station wagon. The kind only house painters use anymore to haul around their ladders and drop cloths. Probably the most despised vehicle on earth. Drive that around and piss off EVERYONE.

    I promise you'll be a lot happier.


  5. An underarm pocket? Savile Row pretensions? The party may have been great; the clothes clearly not.


  6. DB- Hipsters have already discovered the station wagon when it appears on a Design Within Reach catalog cover: http://www.dwr.com/ancillary/catalogrequest.do

    Jim- It's a good point. Plus, the shirts are Alpha sized. David Mercer of Mercer & Sons is a better value. However, the trousers are a solid deal from what I could see. Made by Hertling in Brooklyn, they're a good value when you consider Peter Elliot sells a Hertling corduroy for $395.

  7. That lady is gorgeous. Don't hate on us young guys man.
