29 October 2012

Don't Forget Nothing

Batteries, check. Canned food, check. Fill the tub, check. I'm getting all this good advice but no one has mentioned toilet paper. What we so lovingly called ass wipe in the army. And I can promise you this... it comes in pretty darned handy during an emergency. You don't wanna be going through your wallet looking for the small bills. Stay safe. Don't do nothing stupid.  Don't forget nothing.


  1. Thank you, and amen to that. Stay safe. Please.


  2. Don't forget the Bourbon, hoss. Be safe.

  3. DB & GSV- Jet sking on East 14th St in my Braves ball cap and flip flops. All is well. Thanks.

  4. This hurricane only proves my theory that one should never trust anyone or anything named Sandy - whether they are a former National Security Advisor (Sandy Berger), a former head of Citigroup (Sandy Weill), a perky Australian exchange student (Sandy Olsen as played by Olivia Newton-John) or a hurricane.

    Stay safe Tintin!

  5. KSB- my favorite boss was named Sandy. But I get your well made point.

  6. I'm Michelle Bachman and I approve this message
