23 August 2012

Couples: A Moment or A Life?

Bahamas, Fall, 2010

We pile ourselves
deep inside us.
And take a chance
that it's who we are.


  1. Don't know who that is...but she looks like one haggard and frazzled woman.

  2. Main Line- She is a friend and you missed the point. She's still one of the most beautiful women I've ever known.

  3. Life is a collection of moments. How easy it is to miss both.

    As easy as missing a snake with a .45 hollow point.

  4. Bro - You and Main Line have all the sensitivity of a brick. And I could'a hit the snake with a .45 but it was a 357. I was lucky I hit the pond.

  5. I agree she's beautiful, but then I'm not 25 anymore. A moment or a life? Could be either. That's what makes good art, isn't it?

  6. Peter- Wish I knew what made great art. I just have great memories.

  7. I often miss the point...but I do not miss the birds or the call for cocktails!
    Did not mean to insult your friend...but the photo struck me as a bedraggled woman first and foremost...art evokes different reactions in is all...No?

  8. The whole photo is beautiful. I thought at first that I was looking at a Chuck Close painting.

    Defies description, indeed, is beyond description. One of your best pictures. Ever.


  9. DB- Your erudite and insightful observations are appreciated and always welcome. Perhaps you could offer Brohammas and Main Line a correspondence art appreciation class.

  10. Listen, no shit, I'm not an expert as to what is good art or not - that's a great image.

  11. Tintin - you are one wistful SOB. Its rather a haunting look on her face - the loneliness of a Hopper painting.

  12. Like so?



  13. The facial expressions of both the gentleman and the lady tell us that they are bored to death with each other and regret that their being together has lasted so long. They can't even stand each other's company.

    He is seeking solace in the sun, she in gin.

  14. this may be the strongest photo you've posted here. really haunting. maybe because a life and a moment are one and the same.

  15. Christian Kerr31 August, 2012 21:06

    Prefab Sprout? Mate, your musical references are close to pefect!

    (The sartorial ones already are.)
