06 March 2012

My Reality


  1. Your 30 year old dream. ME

  2. Tin-
    At least the bar is within easy reach. Great planning there.


  3. More real than even you are probably aware.


  4. I love how the booze is within arms reach of the computer ;O)

  5. If I walked into a house and saw this I'd think "here's an interesting man."

    Then I'd steal the flatscreen, because I'm in a stranger's house uninvited, so I must be a burglar. Still, I'd appreciate it first, and that's the point.

    Also I'd take the hooch.

  6. Forget the flat screen, probably a few books on those shelves worth more...just sayin...

  7. i've always thought that a man's office says more about him than anything else. well, that and his bathroom. and how he cares for his shoes.

  8. AKA: The Command Module!

  9. Looks like the study of a scholarly Monsignor, maybe a Jesuit. Though I think Tintin does better with the ladies.

  10. I agree with Amatourist, all points. Actually, it looks like my office (except the neat part) & I'm luck to have a window in the trees over my desk.

  11. I agree with Amatourist, all points. Actually, it looks like my office (except the neat part) & I'm luck to have a window in the trees over my desk.

  12. The whole thing is beautiful but its your bar area that gets me.. polished reflections and all that.

  13. I keep checking in to see if there is a new post. All I keep seeing is an empty chair that looks lonely and of uncertain direction. The possibility of drinks but still undrunk. The levels of the bottles never changing; the screen all dark. Conversations unspoken.

    You could try posting inkblots!

  14. So this is where the magic is created? In and out of limbo myself lately, another tryst with my own padre.
    So sorry for your recent loss, it is an extremely sobering and surreal type of loss.

    Exactly as I would have pictured command center.....

    Loved the recent posts, caught up this morning on some much needed distractions,
    A raise of the glass, a bang on the table to you!
