24 November 2011

Giving Thanks In The Park

Tourists shun the park when it rains. All but the most hard core runners and cyclists too. No place else am I more thankful for living in this city than here. On a rainy Autumn afternoon.


  1. Cue up "Autumn in New York"

  2. Gee, those are lonely looking photos...soundtrack? www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlIDp7Rk2Ag

    Happy Thanksgiving America. The holiday always make me think of Roosevelt's Four Freedoms...I don't hear nearly enough about about those anymore.

  3. Very nice. I understand why. Happy Thanksgiving.


  4. Beautiful photos. Beautiful park. Beautiful city. And perfect autumn weather. They make me wish I were there!

  5. happy thanksgiving to all.

    tar baby vernacular plus broke back mountain sentiments make for tough reading. for sporting sake hope you are a better shot than author.

    in regards to hog killin.

  6. Really great photos as always. And I agree it looked like my sort of perfect day.


  7. Beautiful images. I particularly love the second one, the light is so soft.

  8. Joe- I don't know it. I'll look for it.

  9. Oyster Guy- can't get your link to work but the four truths do. Good call.

    DB- you too. Are you near the Loghthouse?

    Kittie- come back soon. Some dudes have been making inquires about you since those Lincoln Center pics. Your famous...

    Dallas- happy thanksgiving to you. Don't know if I'm a better shot than the author but that's a heckuva shot you took. Sorry it wasn't to your liking. I think it was insightful and spoke to a culture and time we don't see much of here in New Narcissist City.

    M Lane- I think London is second only to NY for best city to live in. Thanks to this kind of weather.

    Alice- That autumnal light thru light rain is amazing but suede shoes don't work.

  10. Still in Atl. for this holiday. Will be near Liighthouse a couple of days after Christmas.


  11. Happy Thanksgiving!
    I stole the second photo for my autumn screen saver...hope that's o.k.
    Thanks! ME.

  12. You had me at the first photo. Oh to be in NYC.

  13. Your seasonal photos are now one of my favorite things about the seasons. Gorgeous and angsty.

    Hope your holiday was as subdued and blurry as mine.

  14. ME, What's mine us yours.

    LPC- How do you stand it our there?

    GSV- Strawberries roasted on cast iron and pureed and mixed with Prosecco. A blur seen thru country ham, red eye gravy and grits.

  15. Dallas: Trying to insult my writing while mentioning Joel Chandler Harris and Annie Proulx actually does me a great service.

    As for the shooting: I'm fairly satisfied with it. Care to do the William Tell bit with me? I promise, I won't fudge the shot.

  16. Michael- I love it but it comes at a price.

  17. The best things always do, Tinners.
