25 August 2011

Pork Prep with Johnnie Trayf

Photo by Scott Shoeman

Bloggers, 13th and Wolf (left) and The Trad (always right) check out designer Johnnie Trayf's, "Primping Pork Prep" fashion show at the Holiday Inn off I-69 in Ft. Wayne, IN.


  1. That is a great photo. And you are reminding, quite a bit, of Jack Nicholson.

  2. Very dapper for the era there, Trad. Milan straw porks rule! So judging by the photo you must be what, about 80 years old now?

    By the way, did you make off with that sweet ceramic seltzer dispenser on the lower right? Or at least flirt with the swingin' babe on the left?


  3. LPC- Either put your glasses on or take 'em off. That ain't me.

    DB - Have you looked up trayf yet or am I the only goy, outside NYC, that knows what it means?

  4. You guys are thicker than kugel.

  5. Or...."Truman Capote and his current boy toy go to the racetrack...."
