14 June 2011

Dartmouth - The Spring of '62

"It's a small college and yet there are those who love it." Daniel Webster


  1. To hell with Take Ivy's Harvard. Dartmouth looks a lot more fun.


  2. 3rd photo. smirk.

    they wait listed me.

  3. Tip of the hat to the current NCAA 7s rugby champs Dartmouth. Better yet, hats off to their traddy simple logo of a block "D" on the chest.

    Course thier coach hailes from the same place I do so theymust be great.

  4. Second-to-last one: "Where should I put my other hand?"

  5. Did I spot a MG TD and a Triumph TR 3?

  6. In a school without women......
    In a time before fat.
    Madras required.

    Where are the Cigarettes?
    '63 is the earliest year I can remember. Everywhere people were "alive with pleasure".
    My Dad and his friends all dressed like that.
    I was dressed like that last Sunday out at the folks'. The first thing my sister said was "Animal House."

    The cultural reference of a 40 year old.

  7. Very remote in those days.
    i knew a guy who graduated in 1940.
    He joinen the British army after graduation then the US army in 1942.
    He must have only come home for Christmas and summer, living in NE Iowa like he did.

  8. Joe- That's a TR-3 but I can't tell if the MG is a TC, a TD or a TF. Anyone?

  9. http://www.mossmotors.com/forum/forums/thread/17977.aspx

    A '53 TD. What do you think?

  10. Unc Looney-

    I think you got it. Looks like the TC only came in R hand drive although years later collectors converted some. It would seem in '62 that a TD was a lot more common than a TC and doubtful anyone would go to the expense of changing the steering.

    The TD was the first car I fell in love with. I was 8 when I sent off for pics of one for sale.

  11. British Car Day at Larz Anderson next weekend for folks in the Boston area. Lottsa MGs at last year's.

  12. Brohammas,

    Good call! They played great. Very well drilled. It helped that they put one of Dartmouth's wide receivers out on the wing.

    Their 'D' jerseys were awesome. -I think rugby's getting a little carried away with the futuristic skintight, Underarmour look....

    -Bring back the cotton 'Maxmores'!

  13. Glory Days!

  14. Splendid shot of the kids watching a Lacrosse Game...

  15. Double(secret in the movie) probation meant your Fraternity could not participate in the festivities.
    No booze no girls.

  16. Without getting into personal preference... photos like this really show that the whole no-socks-with-shorts thing is completely and utterly 100% revisionist bs.

  17. All of these pictures really are amazing!

    And now I'm off to watch The Sandlot.

  18. You know it's funny, the girls are dressed like the boys but still damn sexy- go figure
