20 April 2011

Ed Asner Kicks Some Casual Friday Ass

Positive thinking from the folks at MRket.


  1. "We wouldn't treat you casually."
    "Then why the hell are you dressed that way?!!"

  2. Maybe if he'd upgraded to selvedge.........

  3. Excellent, a rebuke to the forces of moral & cultural relativism. As ADG would say, " I don't wear clown shit to the office". Enuff said.

  4. Dallas? I think not, that is the Canadian tuxedo.

  5. Splendid...an issue I have discussed with my colleagues many times. One never knows when the big client or case may walk through the door...and you do not want to be caught un-suited and not looking like the professional you profess to be...

  6. "if you come back on a Monday or a Tuesday..."

    I despise casual Fridays and I don't even work in an office.

    Hilarious clip, thanks.


  7. Well done! Work is work and home is home. MLS nailed it!

    Fridays are tie days.

  8. Jim T- The writing here is sooo perfect along with Asner's delivery.

    uncle loony- I'll hire you for .25 cents a word.

    Anon TX - Where does ADG wear all his clown shit?

    Dallas- Little thin skinned there?

    Mail Line- Linc wasn't wearing a tie or jacket in your "office."

    DB- Back when I worked in an orifice, I would wear a tie and sport coat (and trousers and shoes with socks) and people would say, "Doncha know, it's casual Friday?" And I'd say, "This is casual."

    Mike- I like that. Friday is tie day. You work for Pierrepont Hicks?

  9. Could not love this more! I work in an office where casual Friday has become track suit day. Repulsive!

  10. Spot on Ed!
    Dallas: I have never seen a business man in Canada dress like this (other than Rodeo in Calgary), but I have seen many dress like this in Texas, along with the boots & the hat- at any time of year.

  11. Ha Ha! So do I get to be Buddy to your Alan Brady?

  12. I teach in a high school and usually tie it up and preach the virtues of bow ties to my neighbors on my floor, i've even given ties away and taught folks how to knot em... is there even a prep school left where men dress? The ironic thing is, people always compliment my gear- then continue on with sweatshirts and Northface... yes, its Berkely ca.

  13. The Docker's King25 April, 2011 20:01

    Bit of trivia, an all corduroy out fit is know as a 'c*nts tuxedo'.

  14. Being snippy with the lower level employees is always a good strategy, as long as you've dressed up (as it sounds like you have)for your exit interview. Besides, when you're fired by a guy in Dockers, you can go out knowing that while his job is intact, so is your (vastly more important) fashion sense.

  15. Anon- I was fired by a guy who only wore Kilties. And while his job was intact, he was arrested in a West Chicago shopping mall for trying to pick up a 14 year old girl on line.

    Another boss didn't fire me, but made my life a misery so I would quit. He's still in jail, and I understand he poops his pants (a Docker-like cut I presume) so he'll be taken out of the general population because he fears for his life. Seeing you're from Astoria, you may as well be doing time.

  16. Love this tintin. I never succumbed to dressing like a gas pump attendant. Reminds me of a nice Evelyn Waugh story. His CO remonstrated with him about his heavy drinking in the mess to which he replied "I'm not going to change the habits of a lifetime to suit a personal whim of yours." Sums up my attitude on this issue exactly.
