04 April 2011

Best Brooks Brothers Ad

Photo: Wally McNamee / Corbis June 1973

"I love John in his Brooks Brothers suits and wing tip shoes. It really turns me on." Maureen Dean


  1. John looked pretty retro at the time and he was one of the young Turks. I wear specs just like his 1973 choice now but I'm a 50 year old Turk.. Mo looks pretty frumpy but if memory serves me correctly she was considered something of a hottie at the time.

  2. John Dean = Greg Marmalard

  3. Seriously, government sensuality? That's such a shutter-inducing vision I wouldn't even know where to start. But if you're talking conservatively dressed attractiveness, I'll take cashmere sweaters paired to sheath skirts worn with ballet-style flats - you know, the teacher of the great works of literature workshop.


  4. Wow, do I ever miss the Nixon administration. It just seems to me that people cared so much more about honesty, integrity and accountability back then...

    True story: when I was a little boy, my mum sat me on her lap and we watched the Watergate hearing together. It was the birth of my former love of foreign policy. Has the capacity for outrage been saturated out of us? It has been all downhill since Iran-Contra.

    It's tempting to say that Barney Frank is no Sam Ervin or that "Woodstein" then is not what we have now but really it is the audience that changed. We still have a Brooksley Born or Sibel Edmonds but our institutions will not act on it.

    If John Dean and Brooks is not as well dressed today as he was then, it is because he is compelled to tolerate it by the larger market.

    Here is a beautiful pic http://www.life.com/image/50602741

  5. Two of my favorite people: John Dean, because he was a hero, someone who spoke truth to power; and then Greg Marmalard, who, if I recall correctly, was killed by his own fictional troops in Viet Nam. He was a sniveling weasel of a guy who absolutely deserved his fate. Further, and perhaps most importantly, Greg's taste in clothing never compared to Otter's.

  6. Neidermeyer was the one killed in combat. Marmalard had a different fate. Thus the reference.

  7. I thought it was Peter Bogdanovich.

  8. ' I really love Maureen with her platinum do and her pilgrim shoes ... It really turns me on'

  9. Funny, I'm just reading the letters of Daniel Patrick Moynihan, who was a bit of bowtie man. He was a Democrat in the Nixon admin firstly in the WH and then in India as ambassador. It's interesting how highly intelligent guys like him either shut it out or rationalised it.

  10. Right you are Dallas. Great movie. Greg was a lesser degree weasel than the unfortunate Mr. Neidermeyer. But a weasel, none the less.
