13 January 2011

The Redundant Turtleneck

A good idea? I'm for layers but...this pushes trad to preppy. And trad is not preppy. From M Magazine Feburary 1987


  1. The question should be, "Why?"

  2. Trad is not preppy. Trad is not preppy. TSNP. Someone had to say it. Gracias.

  3. Dude, this is gaye.

  4. Yes , but back in the olden times when one was called a preppy one generally dressed in a traditional manner. I guess as a geezer I get confused by terminology.The biggest reason I shy away from turtle necks is that so many older men wear them to hide the old turkey neck. The only one I wear is a heavy cable knit sweater. Makes me feel like I'm on the bridge of the HMS Prince of Wales searching for The Bismark. Oh dear granddad needs his meds!

  5. What a jawline on Gentleman #1! His eyes and the under layer turtleneack are too matchy matchy.

    I don't know about Trad vs Preppy but too much turtleneck is too much. There are only a few things in life that are satisfying at the 'too much' level. In my opinion, turtlenecks are not one of them.

  6. I went to a chili and scotch snow party last night at a neighbor's house (we had 18-
    24") and I'd have said at least half of the attendees male and female were wearing this combo, although not me.

  7. I do it so it is allowed.
    I do it to keep warm only.
    I do not do it to "be stylin."

    That is not allowed.

  8. You're right : trad is not preppy. Having a look at your blog and at a blonde hair preppy devoted blog is enough to understand why.

  9. sweet little angel cake, I am beginning to worry about your rather excessive collection of photographs of young men. R U sure you don't want to get something out, sweeheart?

  10. Bad idea then bad idea now...

  11. Pleeeez let's not get into another trad vs. Ivy vs. preppy vs. TNSL vs. whatever debate...

  12. Just ran across a new photo spread with the multiple layers. Plus ça change....

    Layers keep you warm. But now we have technical fabrics that do the same thing. I'm a "if it looks good and you're comfortable do it" kinda guy. That said, I'm not much on the examples from "M".

  13. darling, did your umm 'interest' in collecting magazines with pictures of young men lead to martial problems?

  14. Trad is men who did not go pretending to be preppy, yes?

  15. Wow...that guy in pic#1 is freaky looking. Nightmarishly so.

  16. NOW the part that confused me is rendered clear:
    Trad is 'preppy' for those that aren't preppy.
    I didn't get it because I'm apparently preppy.

  17. Less either trad or preppy, more a fashion-mag take on one or the other. It looks okay. Would I want to wear it, either then or now? Meh.
