03 January 2011

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like...

...Mayor Bloomberg might be out of a job.


  1. It's like the 1970's all over again. Who said New Yorkers weren't nostalgic for their glamorous past?

  2. I want to be a part of it -boom- New York, New Yoooooork!

  3. As you remember, Jane Byrne (Jane, You Ignorant Slut) won the mayoral election in Chicago on the back of poor snow removal here in Chicago.
    What I like most is another successful businessman thinking he knows something special and that's all that's needed to solve all problems.

    Way to go, Big Mike!

  4. There's a reason you don't want your trashy inside to show on the outside. (We sure generate a lot of trash. Is that a good sign for the recovering consumer?)

  5. My New Year's resolution is to answer all comments in a timely fashion 3x a day. Answering comments reminds me of homework or cold calling or mowing the lawn. This may not last very long.

    Belle- Local news here is full of old clips with snow and John Lindsay. I swear this town was made for me.

    Bro- It's almost enough to make move to Filthadelphia. Except Filthadelphia looks like this all the time.

    Bill - I always thought Jayne was kinda hot. Especially in that Blues Brothers outfit. I think Bloomberg should'a got out while he was on top and the city had money. Whatever happens, it'll be loads of fun to watch. Almost as much fun as Mickey's trial.

    David V - Yep. People still have snow up to their pipik on Staten Island.

    Alice- When I lived on the E 57th, a lotta of the very nice co ops in Sutton Place used clear bags. You would see the darndest things in rich folk trash. Lots of cheap boxed chardonay comes to mind.

  6. Bloomberg was out of job but then he used his considerable wealth to change the term limits law .....

    I am so sick and tired of his BS !

    Every time he is challenged on his performance he becomes dismissive and assumes a sort of ' Go ahead and complain - What are you going to do, sue me ? ' attitude.

    Additionally, his take on the 2nd Amendment is completely hypocritical considering that he and his family are constantly protected by a gun toting goon squad provided by the Rand / Kroll types.

    I say BOO and HUMBUG to Bloomberg !

  7. Ha! Those clear bags are still in use. Like I said, you don't want to see the insides and, from the looks of things, consumer spending on wrapping paper was on a high this Christmas. Reminded me why I never use it.

  8. It's begging to look alot like Naples, IT

  9. Apparently the garbage problem hasn't been 100% bad. Saw this on Reuter's today, about a man who attempted suicide by jumping from his apartment window, only to land in uncollected garbage and ultimately survive.


  10. KA- He's got the, pass the buck thing, down pretty well.

    Alice- No wrapping paper? I have heard there's a lot of communists in Austrailia.

    maxnharry- Thank god its not summer here although the rats should be stepping up to the plate any day now.

    Luke- Amazing. That guy had a rent stabilized apartment and he tried to kill himself.

  11. Ouch..another gratuitous shot across the bow of Philly.
    You are lucky it's cold or the streets of your beloved city would reek like a dumpster full of clamshells...
    Have they plowed out the Brooklyn hipsters yet?

  12. The snow has mostly melted and all they found were thousands of pair of black plastic frame glasses and cashmere watch caps. It's all very sad.

  13. Saw this on CNN this morning while moving the miles at the gym. Last year when there, the trash collectors were on strike!......................Yikes!
    Happy New Year.

  14. just be thankful we don't have a warm spell, sunshine. Imagine that garbage in 70 degree weather.

    Bloomberg is a boss tweed. He's been neglecting infrastructure for years and turning over billions in city assets to his ethnic inner circle. And no, the truth is not anti-semitic, the truth is the truth.

  15. Maison Fou- Happy New Year to you and OK.

    Anon- I lived in Chicago and learned a fair bit about politics. Worked on a couple campaigns as well. Any politican worth his salt does not feed his ethnic circle at the expense of other ethnic circles. You give the good stuff to anyone who helps you. And that pumpkin, is the truth.

  16. What? This looks nothing like Philthy... none of our trash is actually in bags.

  17. How can you say Bloomberg has been neglecting infrastructure and pretend that's the "truth" ?

    The man has been one of the most "pro-construction" mayors we've ever had. Sure, some projects didn't pan out, like the Olympics or Hudson Yards; but others are on track: Atlantic Yards, 2nd Ave. Subway, extension of 7 train, two new sports stadii, bike lanes.

    Heck, PlaNYC itself is one of the most comprehensive and forward thinking infrastructural projects in the City's history.

  18. Sheesh Broham....How about some effort for the Philly boys...It ain't filthy
    Drive around Bridesburg for example.....generally spotless!

  19. Come on, I'm no fan of Bloomie but this was orchestrated by the unions and until you sophisticated types in Gotham rebel your standard of living will decline to the benefit of the public employees.

  20. New York City: where denial meets Stockholm Syndrome at every turn - a recipe for unlimited failure. Good luck.


  21. I doubt Mikey is out of a job. He's the best mayor NYC has had in a very long time and the city is lucky to have him. Given his wealth you have to wonder why he expends the effort required to do this job when the media and the usual greek chorus are ever ready bitch about every minor glitch and trot out all the usual stereotypes (surprised the captain of the Titanic didn't get a mention) to bad mouth him. Even La Guardia had his bad days. We had a huge snow storm right at the moment when the city generates the most trash. So we have a headache for a couple of weeks while the city plays catch up. And no it wasn't the unions either (sorry paranoid rightists), it was the weather and the season. It will all over in another week.

  22. Come on, I'm no fan of Bloomie but this was orchestrated by the unions and
    only PARTIALLY bloomberg did NOT declare a snow emergency - to save money and not scare away shoppers the day after Christmas and rumor has it (the press are all pro bloomberg btw) that he diverted plow trucks from Brooklyn and Queens to keep his own neigborhood and broadway open.

    he's a selfish asshole.

  23. When Bloomberg first showed up I appreciated his success, his no drama style, his sense of civic duty and the fact that he was beholden to no one due to their financial contributions.

    But it soon became clear that he would use his personal wealth as a shield and bully pulpit.

    Anyone who dares challenge him is portrayed as crank and is treated with derision or simply dismissed altogether.

    This sense of untouchability is not only false but it also reveals his unwillingness to actually engage and his true desire to simply dictate.

    The term limits debacle was the last straw for me as it finally revealed his true motivations.

  24. "rumor has it ...that he diverted plow trucks...to keep his own neigborhood and broadway open."

    To manage is to choose. Had I been setting priorities I'd have said it was a no brainer to choose Broadway (which is central to the economic life of the city over the Christmas holiday)over Brooklyn.

  25. Which is why they always plow Michigan Ave first in Chicago. I think this has a lot more to do with a city struggling to pay its bills than it does with strategy.

    Is the city gonna have this problem in the future? We sure as hell are never gonna be told the truth 'cause people will go crap their pants.

  26. "I think this has a lot more to do with a city struggling to pay its bills than it does with strategy."

    Prioritization is not necessarily Strategy. You manage according to your resources but that doesn't obviate the need for prioritization. If Bloomberg had all the resources in the world he was always going to plow Broadway before Brooklyn just like Daley is going to plow Michigan Av before Lincoln Park.

  27. no brainer to choose Broadway
    no not to the point where broadway remains spotless and streets in brooklyn weren't plowed for 2 days and EMT's couldn't get through - it stifled the economic activity of the outer boroughs.
    Keep in mind i said DIVERTED - in other words, plows that were designated for brooklyn and queens - you do endanger public safety for revenue or to look good. Bloomberg is a sociopath.

  28. and remember Bloomberg chose to NOT declare a snow emergency. And like I said, this is just what you can SEE - he has been neglating infrastructure and selling off public assets - really giving them - to his developer friends for years. He's literally been looting the public coffers.

  29. @anon 22:27
    He has been neglecting infrastructure and giving showcasing big glizty projects. In other words, the sewer, power and tunnels are rotting under those projects.
    And I suggest you read up on Atlantic Yards-it was a land grab that will cost taxpayers millions, not to mention destroying what was a growing neighborhood.
    For example the Yards in question were worth about 300 million. Bruce Ratner, Bloomberg's pal, is getting them for 20 million. THen you wonder why fares when up and services are cut?

  30. My good Mr. Mainline, you know I love Philly. I love the food, the character, the art, the location, perfect mix of gitr, high brow, and all the indy eateries I could hope for. The city has history and still makes history... but to say this place is not filthy is absolutely ridiculous.
    If you think Philly is not dirty you are ignoring 90% of the place.

    On a brighter note, our sanitation workers actually pick up the trash (if in bags).

  31. "Bloomberg is a sociopath."

    "He's literally been looting the public coffers."

