02 December 2010

More U Boats & Turtlenecks

Smirnoff 1978


  1. the copywriter ruined it.

  2. Dallas- So does that damned watermark. I'm on the hunt for a clean digital or hard copy of this ad. I think they even did a commerical where the conning tower comes up in the pool or am I smoking something? I can't find nuthin nowhere.

  3. Loved that ad campaign, they're all great. Yours is from '78 but I think they continued on into the 80s. Got to be a Smirnoff ad campaign archives site somewhere.


  4. http://www.vintageadbrowser.com/search?q=Smirnoff+&page=12

    Best I can do, it's bottom of the page. Images blocked here at the office, so can not tell you if it's any better than what you found.

  5. They don't make curvy, viola shaped pools like that anymore.

  6. We mourn the days of the great hard liquor ads....

  7. We sail against England. Just to get you in the right mood for the weekend tintin:


  8. "Got to be a Smirnoff ad campaign archives site somewhere."

    I think the campaign originated earlier than '78 and came from JWT in the UK where they were running incredible ads for all sorts of products but particularly liquor in the sixties and seventies. There are books out there containing originals of many of the ads.

  9. Ditto my comments from the McKenzie post. I agree, the copy is sophomoric. Smells like an ad for the college/Rolling Stone magazine set. But is that a marine variation on the swastika flag? That would strictly be verboten today in any ad. And the ad was even pre-Das Boot...to boot.


  10. Ah... days of yore when vodka didn't have fruit, models weren't bulimic, and nazis were advertising en vogue.

  11. "I agree, the copy is sophomoric. Smells like an ad for the college/Rolling Stone magazine set."

    This ad is about the visual for godsake. The copy is irrelevant. And Nazis sell almost as well as sex...and this ad combines both!
