06 July 2010

Waiting For Foxtrot

Bloomingdales - NYC


  1. First my comment; great stalker/bored in the dressing room man, photos. I expected to see you do a sideways inch towards the soft seats into the dressing room.
    Now the questions:
    did you use a timed exposure on a tripod? How curious were all the passers by as to why you were snapping picks of what looked to be nothing?

  2. Brohammas- Canon F-1 w/28mm lens. 1.4 f stop at 1/30th of a second. Hand held. Shot on Ektachrome 64 and pushed one stop.

  3. Akris...the Foxtrot has classy taste in clothes.

  4. Now I'm confused. Anyone of those people could be Foxtrot. Or non at all. Well, maybe not ANYone...

    Wow, Canon F-1? EKtachrome? Still?


  5. The Foxtrot was hiding from your country ass!

    Your pal...

  6. Although having a interest in clothes and generally enjoying women watching I hate hanging around in women's clothes stores. It really is one of the most de-meaning male occupations there is (far worse than nappy changing!) so I can sympathise with the slightly stalkeresque lurking. I don't like my bride looking over my shoulder when I'm shopping either so it's an equal opportunitiy prejudice. But the most important question is..... did she buy anything and did it look good?

  7. Alice- Your photo critique means a lot.

    Belle- Rats. She was in the St John boutique behind me. I always thought that was a county in FL.

    DB- You never know when she'll pop up. Still an F-1? Not really.

    ADG- Didn't I did tell you what pal stands for in the army?

    LBT- You mean the ersatz blonde dressed in black?

    Joe- Did it look good? Now that's a stupid question. It looked FANTASTIC!
