12 July 2010

Press Only: Esquire's Big Black Book

Karen Skinner of County Dry Cleaners (Photo by Simon Apps)

Click on image to enlarge


  1. 1. That woman needs to be careful with the iron. The casualty clinics in Swindon suck.

    2. You ain't nothin' but the proverbial damn truth with your Esquire mention and general presence in the trad authority realm.

    3. As Richard Pryor said about his buddies...all poor-almost homeless addicts in Peoria...and their treatment/attitude towards him after he became famous and had a little money...."damn Rich, you still ain't shit...now give me a dollah"

    4. I take PayPal

  2. What a great blog, I stumbled upon it through my friends blog (A Modernist)!

  3. ADG-

    1. Health care in Swindon sucks? At least it's affordable. Probably 'cause they don't have to pay consultants.

    2. General presence in the Trad authority realm? I'm a moron. Just like you. We're just lived longer than the people who are bigger morons.

    3. I'm Mudbone. You're Toodlum.

    4. I need someone to do my windows. They're casemate and you're ass is skinny enough to fit through them and clean the outside. Dollar a window. You pay for the gas up here. Use your tractor and you should be able to make it on one gallon.

  4. Coolness. No.056 and 057 were my favorite pages in the entire Black Book!

  5. Congrats on the ink mention, Tin. Well done and well deserved!!


  6. Was there a dry cleaning and ironing tutorial in this issue? Congrats.

  7. Disappointing I thought after I'd laid out 12 green ones.

  8. What a great place to get a mention. You guys do a great job of following all things trad even if it maybe catching a great wind right now. Thanks for the info, always look forward to reading it.

  9. Well done. But, I thought I saw this issue months ago...?

  10. BTW-those cheeseburgers look damn great on ACL.

  11. Well done!

