10 June 2010

Vreeland's Memo 6.10.1970

(click on memo to read)

I would have loved to have met her. Had a drink and cigarette with her. Talk about what kept her from being bored. This collection of her memos and perhaps this video are the next best things.


  1. Y'all up early fer a city feller.

    I jus come in from milkin'.


  2. Ta'er- I haven't turned in yet.

  3. Her autobiography, "DV," was a delight to read, probably because she was never particularly constrained with concerns about separating fact from fiction. -Aaron

  4. Just bought "DV" and am anxious to start it. Some of this is true, some of this is better. (Lyric from a great college band.)

  5. Her hubby, T. Reed, was a most elegant and handsome guy.

  6. I remember two funny bits from a piece I read about her years ago:

    Asked what she thought of Hitler: "Oh--that moustache...!"

    Discussing her makeup with a friend: DV - "Do you think it's enough?" FRIEND - "Actually I think it's way too much." DV - "Yes I know. But is it ENOUGH?"
