18 January 2010

The Perfect Wife

M Magazine's Idea of the Perfect Wife - August 1986

My Idea of the Perfect Wife - A gal who'll keep the Bullshit to a minimum.


  1. Wow, I'm going to give this to DOTR just so he knows how lucky he is. And I'm modest, too.

  2. Not to upset you, T. But I think Sanchez bats for the other team. I didn't see the adjective "Sapphic" deployed in the M Magazine piece. Maybe I missed it, though...

  3. Laughing my ass off at your idea of the perfect wife, I feel sorry coming here to do some self promotion. I added a DIY post that I think you could be interested in.

    No Undercover leather jacket, but it fits my pocket, hah!

  4. so where are the 40 places to look, sweetheart?

    If you like the girls getting up in bullfighting thing you should see "Talk to her" there are a couple of scenes of rosario flores getting up in bull-fetish wear.


  5. Why do I suddenly really want to punch someone out? And, BTW, I'm female.

  6. Uhh, I thought the bullfighter was Elvis at first glance; second one too

  7. Lee Marvin's definition: "A blonde nymphomaniac that owns a liquor store".

  8. I loved and still mourn M (There is currently a need for a mature gentlemen's magazine) but that is a stupid piece. Sorry.

  9. MOTR- You could frame it.

    Stew- I don't think so. She married into another bull fighting family with mucho tradition.

    Dan - I'll check it out.

    Anon- I heard about this film. Will check it out.

    LPC- I'm sorry.

    NC Jack- Maybe Clarence Worley and I have something in common?

    Jeremiah- Agreed. I don't know anyone who has a secretary anymore.

  10. Thanks Tintin, I feel so much better about myself! ME

  11. "The perfect wife swears effectively and appropriately."

    At last, someone recognises my genius.

  12. ME- That's what I'm here for.

    ELS- It's an art and a quickly disappearing one. Reality TV might have something to do with it.

  13. The perfect wife? I'll tell you. The perfect wife will get her family through yet another military posting in yet another country with aplomb. The perfect wife will get her family through Hurricane Dora (1964) with no hint of anxiety. The perfect wife will help her family and her husband past his heart attack. And become a writer. At fifty.


  14. DB- I think I know this person. And count myself lucky that I do. The military wife and mother deserves a chapter of its own.

  15. I'm 27 and don't mind if people think I'm immature; I'm sure I am. I don't want to get married - or even ever have another girlfriend again - but I have to agree with every single item on that list. Problem is you can't find a chick that fits all these criteria...

  16. ...the perfect wife costs $200/hr.


  17. A gal who'll keep the Bullshit to a minimum....genetically impossible.

  18. I like what my brother in law said when I married his wife's sister: "A good wife is someone who gets you out of trouble you wouldn't have been in had you not married her."

    Fun to read. Great post. I even like the comments.


  19. As Rihanna says, Don't tell me you're sorry 'cause you're not...:).

  20. I don't even know who the hell Rihanna is. I had to google it. After doing so...you shouldn't know who she is.

    I did not want to offend anyone by this post but I thought it might.

  21. The perfect wife will sign a prenup like it's no big deal. It's forever anyway, right?

  22. As a gay man, I feel I can say with some objectivity that these guidelines seem mostly reasonable, generally positive and practical in their advice. Here comes the but.

    My objection is to the neglect to include an equal set of expectations for the ~perfect husband~. This is problematic for its implication of male privilege, as if it goes without saying that men, who are exempted by virtue of their sex's natural superiority, should not consider themselves similarly obliged to their wives.

    I mean, it would be one thing if that list appeared in a women's magazine, written with the aim to inform and help female readers. M Magazine was actually a magazine for men (perhaps the M stood for Misogyny), which makes this piece feel cringey.
