15 September 2009

Damn! Missed Another Sale...

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...by 297 years. The Spectator from 27 May 1712. Some great deals on Maderia. Some bad news for atheists.


  1. Tintin,
    How the hell would a teacher grade fpelling tefts in the feventeen hundredf? Would you get extra credit for random and unnecefsary confonants? D

  2. Welcome to the world of English majors.

  3. History of English, a required course for my English degree, was tedious enough. But my professor was from China!

    Great guy: young and good humored. But a heavy accent. So he's reading 12th century English in a Chinese accent and we're supposed to understand him.

  4. Don't sweat the loss. I'm going to go out on limb and guess the wine has pretty much turned to vinegar by now, anyway...

    Maybe next time.


  5. I don't fee what if fo difficult about fubftituting an f with a f.

  6. 'Victorian dance hall' can bel spelled without any difficulty.

  7. I'd like to try that Maderas..."rich, racy and of a curious Flavour..."

  8. Damn, Tintin, you read The Spectator? From 1712 no less? Wow, I AM impressed. As a university student I spent hours--no, days, weeks even--reading back copies of The Speccie in my university's library. I see ancient copies for sale on ebay from time to time.
