04 July 2009

A Mid 80's Fourth

STLI 1985


  1. Terrific! Were you there when the torch was lit from within, or after the restoration, with the gilded reflective version?

    This day marks the first time since 9/11 that you can climb into the crown!


  2. Excellent Tincan. What a cool piece of history you stand amidst.

  3. DB- Added the crown shot for you.

    I had left STLI in June of 1985 for Valley Forge and was in center city Philadelphia during the celebrations. I was at the Irish Pub and the Statue was far from my mind.

  4. These are fantastic! I would kill to have a photo like these! Happy Independence Day.

  5. Excellent photo! All the best this weekend!

  6. Thanks for that, Tintin! Awesome shot. You look like a million bucks up there. Quite dashing in that black sweater.

    Happy Independence Day!


  7. Happy belated Independence day to all our American cousins.

    From your Canadian cousins up north!

  8. Hope you had a great holiday weekend.

  9. Tinitin,
    Behind every picture there is a story. Share please. Hope you had a great 4th. D

  10. D- Better late than never but I'm on vaca so the short story is-- 1st job after college. Statue of Liberty as a GS-5 Park Ranger. Most of my jaunts up there were quick. The aluminum scaffolding swayed in the wind and in the winter it was bitter cold. But great memories. It's been said Park Rangers get paid in sunsets. Which is exactly why I left the Park Service.
