03 December 2008

The Trad Sets a Trend: The Cuff Square

"The suit jacket is made with a left breast pocket not to hold a pack of cigarettes or a pair of glasses but to hold a handkerchief. Without one, an outside breast pocket appears to be an unnecessary detail, and a man looks as if he hasn't finished dressing." Alan Flusser in 'Clothes and the Man'

I think, and this is just my opinion, that pocket squares are a pain. They're always slipping around, falling out, dropping down...in short, they are as far from, "Put it on and forget it", as you can ever get. A lot of fussing about. Having said that, I love the look of them and I'm always buying them - - I just never wear them. What a waste...

Or not? Sartorial historians in 200 years may wonder just who first wore the cuff square in the early 21st century. I want this to be on the record. It was me. The cuff is a perfect place for a dash of color and it sets apart the wearer from the rest of the vulgar rubes one has to endure in the daily grind of city life. What else is a cuff for. Certainly not a packet of cigarettes or glasses.

Here's a conservative grey chalk stripe with an Hermes square to brighten the somber tone of the suit. Oui, Oui...so very elegant. And it never slips thanks to Monsieur Cuff cradling le silke in place.
Dashing, no?
Lets not forget the Trads. Above and below we see Ivy taking the stage and man is that Ivy growing. I predict this will be all the rage on the college campus next year. Mark my...cuff.
Fabric texture is often overlooked. Here we see the texture of the Cuff Square working nicely with the khaki to form a tasteful answer to what the "smart" man will be wearing in 2009...

Heading out the door. A understated and quiet approach to the Cuff Square. Best to release this on a unsuspecting Manhattan a little bit at a time. This city may not embrace the Cuff Square right away but style and taste always win out. Besides, I'm patient and have a lot of Cuff Squares.
Here again, that texture mix from the wearer's POV. Why didn't anyone ever think of this before?
For those without a cuff, like clip on suspenders, you too can join the scene with my patented Cuff Square Clip. Works well with jeans too.


  1. You ain't right!

  2. Tintin, this is one of the funniest things I've seen in a good while! I think a national day of cuffsquare is in order....

    I'll host the kick off banquet at Le Veau D'Or.

    BTW, I am in town again next week and plan to visit LVD again.


  3. Surely you jest. Perhaps if you wore your pocket squares at a proper height, they wouldn't fall out.

  4. Wise guy! ;-)

    (But I'll gladly take a few of your pocket squares off your hands.)

  5. I dare you to walk around Manhattan like that and see how long it takes for you to end up on the Sartorialist with 85 comments about what a trailblazer you are.

  6. Anon-
    No, I tend towards the left.

    Ben- You are right.

    M Lane- PM me and we'll do lunch!

    Tarheel- Yes. Can you give me that in inches?

    Tim- I've been called that before but in much more colorful language.

    Giuseppe- I did try this in Atlanta. They take the cast off in four weeks.

  7. Ahhhhhhmmmmm...... no

    People will keep stopping you and tell you something is stuck in your cuff!

  8. I think you should also stick a big piece of celery in your breast pocket. This will further confuse the hoi, if not the polloi.

  9. What a hoot!
    Thanks for giving me a something to laugh about this morning -- makes my day.
    Rgds, Reggie

  10. Trad,

    Very funny, indeed.....

  11. "What else is a cuff for."

    I had a second cousin who tipped his cigarette ashes into his trouser cuffs. I wish I were kidding.

  12. Foppish. I might attempt this with a linen square in a TV fold, though.

  13. All the play is typically between the shirt/tie/jacket/and pocket square. The only way to insert any flair between the trousers and shoes is with a sock, which if your pants have proper break never really shows. So I like the concept of introducing a bit more color and contrast to the cuff of one's pant, but I don't think the pocket square is the accepted solution. Yet?

  14. I really can't focus too much on the cuff square because I am too busy admiring your hand woven runner. Is that a Sarouk or a Serapi by chance? Forget the cuff square...you've got bigger fashion statements to make: just wrap that runner around your shoulders like a shawl and head out on the streets of Atlanta!

  15. "Dashing, no?"

  16. I am wearing my cuff square as I type this. Stunning, it is.

  17. You almost had me until I figured out it was a joke. Good stuff!

  18. Thanks. This is hilarious. And my deepest sympathies to the blogger whose socks don't show. Makes me wonder why he's wearing any.

    P Hudson

  19. TinTin,
    Just in time for Christmas!

  20. P Hudson

    Typically your boxers or briefs don't show, but you wear them anyway. A gentleman's socks do show when he sits and crosses his legs. Standing, however, the sock should not show.

  21. Absolutely hilarious. About the only good thing I can think to do with a pocket square, as I never use them. Practical too - for polishing the shoes.
