24 October 2009

Chelsea - Last Week


  1. Nice last shot. Just being there, while everyone else is looking the other way, is 9/10ths of getting the shot.

    Hey, keep it up and you'll have a decent portfolio of NY street images, Tintin.


  2. DB- 1st time wandering around the city with a camera in a very long time - - This was my neighborhood in '84. First bodega, first apartment, etc. It was great fun.

    Alice- You're a great motivation.

  3. Tintin,
    The shot of the store brings back memories of my childhood. When I was a small girl the corner stores kept everything behind the counter, the owner and his family lived in room behind the store, and you could buy a pack of cigarettes for your dad with note from your mom. Camels, no filters. And a 1/4 pound of Krakow Polish ham, thinly sliced and wrapped in butcher paper. D

  4. wow.. you are living the dream tin tin don't ever forget that!

  5. Nice eye Tinny...ME

  6. D- That's amazing. This was my 1st bodega in NYC. When the owners found out I was a ranger at the Statue of Liberty and Ellis they allowed me to cash checks. Walking in there 24 years later brought back memories of financial anxiety.

    anon 13:04- I know I'm grateful not to be living on Dinty Moore which was the case 24 years ago.

    ME- I could use a better one. You still shooting? With a camera?

  7. Dude, that's my corner! !7th and 7th.

  8. Anon- Dude, good eye! That was my first bodega in 1984. I hope his beer prices have come down.
