22 April 2011

Happy Easter

St Augustine Beach, Easter 1984


  1. No Comment :) DMW

  2. DMW- Can you hear the waves this morning?

  3. Very fond memory. Happy Easter Tin Tin. ME

  4. And the Boone's Farm Strawberry Hill flowed freely.

  5. Which is you mommy and which is your daddy.

  6. ME- Thanks- It cleaned up well.

    Unclelooney- That was our senior year in college and a bunch of us cooked Easter brunch. I'm pretty sure I brought the Greek Demestica wine ($4.99).

    Chris- Easter breaks were short at my school. No time for many to go home to mommy or daddy. So we cooked up somethin' on our own.

  7. Great shot - perfect proportions. Feel like you're right there.

  8. I recognize two attendees, maybe a third... Happy Easter all.

  9. Come on folks, Tin tin, who posts stories of hookerous adventures, posts a college picture featuring grizzly Adams with a broken arm and no one takes the bait?
    Hipster beard ala 1970 appears quite proud of the cast, how did he get it?

  10. Alice- The photographer, who is on the far right, set that shot up with a timer. Haven't seen it in years but I like the 70mm widescreen look of it.

    Jeff P- I think everybody got fat but you. You should be going bald soon.

    Bro- Funny you should notice. He broke his wrist in a motorcycle accident. I was his passenger. We rear ended a car that pulled out in front of us. He stayed with the bike. I left it. I learned to never wear tennis shorts on a motorcycle again.

  11. See? Much better. Now I have the mental image superimposed over this one, of Tintin wearing John Stocktons riding on the back of another man's motorcycle, and this surprisingly turning out badly.

    The story behind the story is always better.
    Enjoy the holiday

  12. Everything I know about photography, I learned from Tin Tin and Bob Hall.
    ME, The Photographer.

  13. ME, you took a great shot! Great staging, great light. Fond memories, too...and I wasn't even there.

    Happy Easter.


  14. love this photo

  15. Striking composition. The overall image does a great job of capturing a time and place.

  16. What Altman movie is this still from? I thought I'd seen 'em all...

  17. Tin-man..."riding bitch"...never woulda believed it...

  18. Main Line- When your only mode of transportation is spelled, F-I-A-T you get accustomed to being a passenger.

  19. Point taken...my old man had a Fiat in 78-79...4 door piece of crap....you could literally feel the frame and body flex around corners...a real tin can that broke down frequently.

  20. I love St. Augustine. My mom used to take me to see Gamble Rogers at the Trade Winds bar. Not sure how I got in as I was only 13. I guess they didn't care. Good times.
